Mexican Toddler dies of Mexican Swine flu On Americans $ Taxpayer money Deport Illegal Mexicans

avatarsospk7 His illegal mexican parents walked right over the border to a hospital in Texas and demanded and got free medical treatment for their brat. But first they went shopping for three days at a mall. Then they ran up a huge tab for Americans to pay and walked away without paying for the bill.Obama , the Magick Negro said he would pray for them. Lame.  At the bottom , in blue font, is a  list of the diseases Mexican Illegals bring to the United States every year.demanding8dy

 Illegal aliens view the US as a cash cow they can milk dry . Remember the free liver transplant that was given to an illegal mexican breeder in Ca last year, bumped ahead of Legal Americans? No, of course not, because the Media buried that story.
  How dare this family use our medical services for free when  Americans are without medical services. Note how we don’t even have a border and the woman in charge of ICE- called Janet the Traitor, thinks it is a crime to enforce federal laws concerning immigration.dead-mex

 Did the Mexican government offer to pick up the tab? No.
Obama was lame and a bliss-ninny as per usual offering to pray for the family.

for how much mexicans cost us in free medical.

Boy killed by swine flu had spent time in Houston
By TERRI LANGFORD Copyright 2009 Houston Chronicle
April 30, 2009, 11:33AM

A Mexico City toddler who became the first swine-flu death on U.S. soil spent a day with his family shopping at Houston’s Galleria mall the day before he began to show symptoms.

Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos says the Brownsville family with whom the toddler was staying said they spent three nights in Houston just before returning to Brownsville, where he fell ill on April 8.

Galleria officials did not immediately comment. Cascos declined to reveal the family’s identity.

Health officials said the 22-month old boy arrived in Brownsville on April 3 and became ill days later with a fever, followed by other flu-like symptoms. They said he had no outside contact once he was hospitalized on April 13. The family has shown no symptoms.

The boy, who was rushed back to Houston and was admitted to Texas Children’s Hospital on April 14, died Monday night of pneumonia. He had “several underlying health problems,” according to the Texas Department of State Health Services, when his family flew to Matamoros on April 4 and then crossed into Brownsville to visit relatives.

Texas Children’s doctors would not elaborate on those underlying health problems. State health officials said the boy wouldn’t likely have been infectious on the Mexico City-to-Matamoros commercial flight, though an investigation is still ongoing.

Here’s a timeline of the toddler’s whereabouts, according to Cascos.

April 3 – Child arrives with mother and three brothers at the Matamoros airport. The family crosses Gateway International Bridge to Brownsville, and stays with mother for two nights at Staybridge hotel in Brownsville.

April 5 – Family members, including an aunt, mother, and three brothers travel to Houston. According to Cascos, the aunt and mother had medical appointments there. The group eats out and goes shopping at the Galleria.

April 8 – Group returns to Brownsville, child falls ill, returns to Texas Children’s Hospital.

Texas health officials say the boy who died was a Mexican toddler whose family brought him to Brownsville, Texas, on April 4 with underlying health problems. The Texas Department of State Health Services said today that the boy developed flu symptoms four days later and was admitted to a Houston hospital a few days after developing a fever. He died on Monday night


Annually, an estimated 900,000 illegal aliens cross America’s southern borders while avoiding a health screening. They are not stopped or vaccinated for a host of diseases they’re bringing into America. Who is at risk? Everyone, but especially our school children when they come in contact with in-excess of three million illegal alien school children daily. What can those three million kids unknowingly transfer to our kids?Chagas Disease
Hepatitis A,B,C
Dengue Fever
Drug Resistant (MDR) Tuberculosi
Giardia Lamblia
Entamoeba Histolytica
Blastocystis Hominis
Cryptosporidium Parvum
Cyclospora Cayetanensis
Hymenolepis Nana
Ascaris Lumbricoides
Trichuris Trichiura
Enterobius Vermiculares
Mexican Influenza
The Pork Tapeworm

Or………”We’re running an H.M.O. for illegal immigrants and if we keep it up, we’re going to bankrupt the county.”
Los Angeles County supervisor Michael D. Antonovich, New York Times

“What is unseen is their [illegal aliens’] free medical care that has degraded and closed some of America’s finest emergency medical facilities, and caused hospital bankruptcies: 84 California hospitals are closing their doors.”
—Madeleine Peiner Cosman, Ph.D., Esq. “Illegal Aliens and American Medicine,” Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons.

Or……… More than an estimated $1.1 billion per year for undocumented men, women and children, according to the Rand Corporation. An estimated 300,000 children of illegal immigrants born in the United States every year,average cost $4,700 each.

Look-up the cost of these parasites (Mexicans) state by state.
Look-up the death at the hand of the parasitic Mexican.
Then go visit an American city that is infested with these parasites.

  • Location: Parasites

  • it’s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests






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0 Responses to Mexican Toddler dies of Mexican Swine flu On Americans $ Taxpayer money Deport Illegal Mexicans

  1. stoptheinvasionoforegon says:

    cynthia potter – any relation to Tom Potter the notorious Portland mayor who welcomed Mexican criminals taking jobs from Americans? who spent 400,000 to build a site where Mexican illegal male rapists could under-cut Americans?
    oh sorry – anyway, Ms Potter sent me along incoherent, naive, stupid post saying that It was okay for the Mexicans to run up a bill and walk away at a Texas hospital because the Mexican government would do the same for American Tourists.
    amazing that some people are so stupid,. No Mexico would not pick up the tab for a sick American. They wont even take care of their peasants. They exported them intentionally because the Population skyrocketed from over-breeding thanks to the Catholic Church. I met a mexican who has 20 brothers and sisters. he is on Food stamps in Oregon, and his name is Reuben.

  2. Anne says:

    You are a sick and disturbed individual who needs serious professional help. Your appalling and disgusting RACIST views are extremely ignorant and foul.

    YOU are what’s wrong with this country, not “illegal aliens that need to go back to Mexico.” YOU need to go back to 1951, you foul, foul bigot! Get help. Seriously.

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