Black obama mob in Philly get White Male arrested for McCain t-shirt

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Black Obama Mob Chants as White Male is arrested in Philly for McCain T-shirt

                                                   white farmer in Zimbabwe murdered by black Africans

google Bubbasluva and it will take you to a site on with lots of videos

Neocon Express: Arrested for Wearing a McCain Palin T-shirt Neocon Express

watch the video – The Largely Black Mob holds OBAMA signs and along with booing, chant Obama OVER AND OVER AGAIN. It’s like the ” lord of the flies” and the white guy is Piggie.The Police are afraid of the black mob and arrest the white guy just to keep the peace. They also start to beat him up until another cop says stop because it’s being photographed.

That’s scary. You can see them circling him and the cops with their thumbs down.
so This is Obama’s Change.
If that wasn’t enough change in less than a week since the victory of President-elect Barack Hussein Obama, Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan has openly named Obama the “New Beginning”. “President-elect Obama has energized all segments of the depressed, downtrodden, rejected and despised,” he said in a 90-minute speech at Mosque Maryam on Chicago’s infamous south side. “Now it is up to us to take the new energy that he has given us and channel that energy into making ourselves better,”
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