Top Ten Reasons why the United States should not Marry Mexico

 Of course the only problem is  most of Mexico has already moved here and started huge anchor families.

Brenda Walker lives in northern California and publishes two websites, and, and has sworn off traveling to Mexico and drinking Mexican beer.


January 17, 2007

Top Ten Reasons Why the US Should Not Marry Mexico

By Brenda Walker

Mexichurian President George W Bush Obama is determined to cement the North American Union as much as possible during his term. Incredibly, he aims at a European Union-type political merger between the U.S., Mexico and Canada, including replacing the dollar with a Euro-style currency called the Amero and rearranging trade patterns to favor Mexico. Central to the deal is the uncontrolled movement of people throughout North America.

This EU mega-state concept has actually been losing support among average folk in Europe. For example, the Dutch and French voted down the EU Constitution in 2005. Doesn’t matter to globalist elites, though. They push forward with expanding bureaucracy slanted toward one-worldish interests in the corporate style.

This is not a joke. The “Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America” (SPP) is not a nutty conspiracy theory, but is a genuine government policy explained in White House documents and a Commerce Department website. While prettied up in trade language, the intent of the SPP is clearly continent-wide political unification and the dissolution of American national sovereignty. Business elites believe that borders and laws are an annoying impediment to commerce. They have decided the nation-state must go.

With that unhappy possible future in mind, perhaps we should consider the intended spouse in Bush’s Obama’s shotgun marriage.

You wouldn’t marry your next door neighbor just because of that person’s convenient location. Why then are Washington elites working to dissolve sovereignty in order to unify with a third-world sewer best known for corruption, violence, poverty, sexism and apathy toward education?

The only answer is Mexico’s enormous supply of cheap, exploitable labor, which business wants to fuel the neo-slave economy of its dreams. But the cultures of the peoples of Mexico and the United States are deeply incompatible, and have a history of bad blood going back centuries.

Below, my list of cultural reasons why the United States should avoid further entanglement with Mexico. Please remember that these are societal averages only; there are many admirable Mexican citizens—particularly those living in Mexico. Also, ten should be understood as an arbitrary number. It does not imply that there are only ten reasons to shun a Mexican merger.

#10 The legal age of heterosexual consent in Mexico is 12.

As with many laws, there is some diversity according to locale and other variables, but this discussion of statutes agrees that 12 is the legally acceptable age for straight sex to occur in Mexico.

Mexican men have a reputation for leering and worse at little girls, which shouldn’t surprise us, since sex with children is socially acceptable in Mexico. Fifteen-year-old girls have a ceremony called a Quinceañera which announces their availability to become wives, mothers and girlfriends. In America, children of that age are expected to complete three more years of high school, to be followed hopefully by a college education. But in Mexico, young girls are considered available, according to law and custom.

A 2005 news report from North Carolina found that “Culture might be factor in sexual abuse”, [By Annette Newell, News 14 Carolina, June, 21, 2005] referring to Hispanic men’s propensity to prey upon little girls. The story tip-toed around the obvious fact that foreigners bring their cultures with them, ranging from tasty cuisine to child sex abuse.

An example: Mexican Diego Lopez-Mendez pleaded guilty to sexual assault on a 10-year-old girl in West Virginia, with a not-uncommon excuse that child sex is normal among his people.

“In the pueblo where I grew up girls are usually married by 13 years old….I was unaware of the nature of the offense or that it was a bad crime”, said Lopez through the translator. [Illegal Immigrant Pleads Guilty To Sexual Assault, WTOV9 2/28/06]

In the Netherlands last year, the public was outraged because pedophiles organized themselves into a political party. One of their demands is that the age of consent be lowered from 16 to 12. Perhaps someone should tell them that Mexico already has what pedophiles want.

Or maybe not.

#9 Mexican sexism ranks close to the Taliban.

Islamic men have largely nailed down the reputation as the most misogynous males on the planet. But Mexicans are no slouches in this regard.

Even the diversity propagandist Washington Post has noticed the horrific social status of women south of the border:

“But in the country that made the term “machismo” famous, where women were given the right to vote only in 1953, women’s rights advocates said rape and other violence against women are still not treated as serious crimes.” [In Mexico, an Unpunished Crime, By Mary Jordan, Washington Post, July 30, 2002]

But in the country that made the term “machismo” famous, where women were given the right to vote only in 1953, women’s rights advocates said rape and other violence against women are still not treated as serious crimes. [In Mexico, an Unpunished Crime, By Mary Jordan, Washington Post, July 30, 2002]

In some Mexican states, men may freely kidnap women for sex, a custom known as “rapto,” which is regarded as a harmless amusement by men despite the unsuccessful attempts of women’s groups to criminalize it.

In early 2006, Mexico City decided it should mount a campaign against the rampant sexist behavior of Mexican males, largely because workplace harassment against women is so commonplace. But the supposed message of gender respect was lost in a bizarre public education campaign featuring sex dolls in various positions, er employment venues. One billboard showed a sex doll dressed up as an executive secretary at a desk. Some might think that such images sent the message was that all women, even those professionally employed, are available.

In Juarez, the murders of hundreds of young women over the last decade have been of little importance for the men in charge of law enforcement there. But some Mexican officials have blamed the victims. It should be a national scandal that the crimes remain unsolved after so many years. But it isn’t—which speaks volumes about how little respect Mexican society has for women.

In Mexico, women continue to be second-class citizens whose safety doesn’t count for much. Yet in this country, most American women remain unaware (because they’ve been uninformed—except by Athena Kerry in VDARE.COM) that hard-won legal protections and egalitarian social standing are threatened by the presence of millions of retrosexual Mexican males hardwired with paleolithic attitudes and behavior.

#8 Crime and violence are increasing as the state fails.

Recent news about the spread of drug cartels into new territory, particularly into tourist areas, show that the central government is losing its battle against organized crime, particularly the drug cartels. The outcome of Presidente Calderon’s crackdown remains to be seen. And while many Mexicans are alarmed at the dissolution of order, there are plenty of willing workers who see crime as a job opportunity.

Mexico City has the second highest crime rate in Latin America. Kidnapping in Mexico is second only to Colombia, and even ordinary middle class people get snatched by criminals hoping for a ransom. According to the BBC, “More money is paid in kidnap ransoms here than anywhere else in the world”. Mexico is #6 worldwide for murders per capita.

Nuevo Laredo has been a war zone between cartels battling for control of the NAFTA Highway by which they can easily distribute drugs throughout the continent, despite Fox sending in the army for several weeks in 2005 with no effect. The street fighting, which has at times included bazookas and RPGs, has spread to tourist areas like Acapulco, where two police officers were beheaded by traffickers in April. In February, armed gunmen stormed a Nuevo Laredo newspaper office and exploded a grenade, seriously injuring one reporter.

Average Mexicans are overwhelmed by crime and how it limits their lives. In 2004, a quarter million crowded the central square in Mexico City to protest violent crime, many carrying signs demanding tougher penalties and others with photos of relatives lost. Analyst George Grayson remarked that the issue was a vital one in the Presidential election: Calderon understood it was “imperative that Mexican citizens feel that they are safe in their own streets”. Because they haven’t.

And yet, there is also a strong vein of admiration for crime in Mexican society. Narcocorridos—songs celebrating drug smugglers—are a popular genre and sell a lot of recordings.

#7 Lynching remains a continuing practice.

In the 2001 book Amazon True Tales from Another Mexico, author Sam Quinones mentioned in passing that lynching is not an unusual occurrence in Mexico, and his clippings file on extra-legal executions from 1994 until 2000 was three inches thick. One chapter in the book told the story of two salesmen whose crude behavior in the country village of Huejutla ended with townspeople lynching them in the town square with the belief that the pair were organ-snatching child kidnappers.

In 2004, a Mexico City mob beat up, then burned to death two policemen on live television. Locals had mistaken federal agents for kidnappers and then killed them, with no apparent regret later for their error.

Mexicans simply do not have the same belief as Americans that the law is central to the equitable functioning of a complex nation. It’s the Third World.

#6 Mexican dislike for education lasts for generations.

Unlike many other immigrant groups which have figured out the American path to success, Mexicans have been notably unwilling to use the educational opportunities available to better themselves. Just 9.6 percent of fourth-generation Mexican-Americans have a post-high-school degree, compared with 45.1 percent of Americans as a whole. While 62 percent of Asians get college degrees, Mexicans are known for their high-school dropout culture.

No surprise here. Mexico does not promote education as a national value. Mexican attitudes are stuck in the bad old days, when six years of schooling was considered adequate. Kids are encouraged to get out into the workplace to help support the family rather than finish school—an attitude you don’t see in Confucian culture, for one.

As a result, Mexicans are arguably the worst, i.e. least likely to succeed, immigrant group ever because of their total apathy toward education. Former Congressman Herman Badillo (who wrote the first bilingual education bill) has been assailed by professional ethnic whiners for saying Hispanics need to assimilate to American values of education and speaking English. Sadly for the friends of progress, the largest immigrant group by far is Mexican—about 31 percent.

Unhelpful attitudes work in other ways. Political correctness has prevented an adequate investigation of IQ-lowering lead poisoning among immigrant children in southern California who are fed large quantities of toxic Mexican candy by mothers not big on veggies and whole grains.

Unsurprisingly, Mexico suffers from a corresponding level of superstition that matches up with little education. The standard Catholic religion is supplemented with old-fashioned beliefs like the curse of the evil eye and colorful characters like Jesus Malverde, the patron saint of drug smugglers.

#5 Drunk driving is deemed acceptable, even considered desirably macho.

Driving while inebriated is not condemned by Mexican society. Officials there now insist that more is being done by law enforcement to curtail dangerous drunk driving, but there is no change of public opinion like the one in the US after the effective Mothers Against Drunk Driving campaigns.

Mexicans bring this dangerous aspect of their culture when they come north. The leading cause of death for Hispanics aged 1-34 is vehicle crashes, and states with high rates of fatal hit-and-run accidents correspond with those most affected by illegal immigration.

“The Latino community creates its own problems,” said Joe Ynostroza, technical assistance director for the California Hispanic Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Sacramento, a nonprofit educational organization. The problem is especially acute in Mexico.

“Most of this is first- or second-generation Mexican males,” he said. “Alcoholism runs rampant in the Mexican Latino community.”

No other ethnic or racial group has such a high level of DUI arrests statewide, according to the California Department of Justice. [DUI’s culture gap, By Rick Brewer Stockton Record, May 21, 2006]

The ongoing carnage on American highways from Mexican drunk drivers is increasing with an expanding population of foreigners not assimilating to the American way of driving—law-abiding, sober and strapped in.

#4 Animal cruelty is no problema.

Mexicans love their bullfighting, a bloodsport which ends in the matador killing the animal with a sword to the heart, a pre-determined outcome which is not very sporting. Before the matador’s entrance, the mounted picador torments the bull by piercing it repeatedly with a spear, an activity which can end badly for the horse. (Speaking of horses, about 10 percent of Mexican stock are slaughtered for food.)

Mexican rodeo includes steer-tailing, where a rider yanks the animal’s tail in an attempt to flip it to the ground. Steer-tailing was made illegal in Eagle County in Colorado because of the cruelty of the event.

By comparison, American rodeo animals are protected by law and active citizen interest in their welfare.

#3 Mexicans are racist.

“Mexican society is fundamentally racist and classist,” said Guadalupe Loaeza, a newspaper columnist. “The color of your skin is a key that either opens or shuts doors. The lighter your skin, the more doors open to you.” [Mexican Postage Stamp Pushes Racial Envelope, By Chris Kraul & Reed Johnson LA Times June 2005]

The controversy about Mexico’s racist postage stamps revealed the country’s attitude toward darker-skinned peoples as definitely non-egalitarian. Governmental elites are pale persons of European descent, like ex-Presidente Vicente Fox whose background includes Irish and Spanish roots. Reporting about the last Mexican Presidential race noted that candidate Lopez Obrador is dark-skinned, a characteristic counted as an impediment in a country where the political class is overwhelmingly white. New Presidente Felipe Calderon is white.

Aztlan cheerleaders squatting in this country like to make the point that Mexicans are indigenous people. Indeed Mexico has a high percentage of Indian and mestizo peoples compared with other Latin American nations. The World Bank reports that Mexico has 37 languages, each spoken by at least 10,000 people, and that the rate of illiteracy is 63 percent among the indigenous population, versus 42 percent in the non-indigenous.

Mexico’s elite may even have ethnic cleansing in mind, as they push uneducated mestizos and Indians into the US, while the white oligarchs just get richer. (The net worth of Mexico’s billionaires expanded from 4 percent of GDP in 2000 to 6 percent in 2006 according to a World Bank study, with little trickle down.)

Mexicans are also anti-Semitic, according to surveys done by the Anti-Defamation League. The most recent, in 2005, found that 35 percent of Foreign-born Hispanics have “hardcore anti-Semitic beliefs,” compared with 19 percent of US-born, a slight improvement over a similar 2002 poll with results of 44 and 20 percent respectively.

In comparison, extreme anti-Semitic views are held by 14 percent of American-Americans.

#2 Mexican corruption is endemic.

A Washington Post article (“For Many in Mexico, Bribes a Way of Life”) emphasized that bribes were entirely normal, from getting a drivers license to procuring a building permit for a major project. Kids slip the teacher a little cash for a better grade. Residents of Mexico City have to pay a mordida for nearly a quarter of government services received, a study found.

As below, so above. Political corruption is a common item in the news, as politicians stuff money into suitcases and offshore bank accounts. Mexico is “considered one of the most corrupt countries in the hemisphere” with evidence growing that connections between drug cartels and government officials are substantial. Several years of investigation by Transparency International put Mexico solidly into the Third World in terms of corruption.

Part of the reason for the corruption is no tradition of the building blocks of democracy. Mexico has little support for free speech in the press. Mexico is a very dangerous place for journalists doing investigative work about powerful interests, from drug cartels to corrupt government officials. For example, the American publisher of the little Gringo Gazette faced two years in jail for telling the truth about real estate scams that Mexican developers were pulling on American investors. The murder of Chihuahua crime reporter Enrique Perea last August was the 25th killing of a journalist in Mexico since 1995.

#1 Mexicans are Marxicans.

Throughout their history, Mexicans have preferred statist socialism and earlier varieties of big government, rather than individualistic free enterprise.

Politically, Mexico had a history of one-party rule longer than the Soviet Union, symbolically ended with the election of Vicente Fox, a member of the opposition party. Even so, pundits and government officials hint that democracy may not be quite the done deal we’ve been led to believe, saying things like “Mexico has made great strides toward democracy” and “The democracy Mexico has built is fragile.” No kidding.

The Mexican political preference for over 70 years has been far left sombrero Stalinism, a tendency which continues today, as shown by leftist candidate Lopez Obrador coming within a hair of winning the Presidency last summer.

And despite being a very wealthy nation, Mexico is still the Third World where the forces of anarchy are becoming stronger and failing state syndrome is snapping at its heels.


Americans have a totally different cultural background, including a belief that progress is possible. (See Prof Lawrence Harrison’s fascinating analysis of progress-prone vs. progress-averse cultures, also organized as a chart.) As Samuel Huntington remarked, “… if America had been settled not by British Protestants but by French, Spanish, or Portuguese Catholics, it would not be America; it would be Quebec, Mexico, or Brazil.””

Throughout our history, Americans have worked to improve the rule of law and expand gender and racial equality. We value scholarship and scientific inquiry. Our concept of “family values” includes educating young people for many years rather than sending them out into the workplace at age 14 or encouraging teen marriage for girls. A closer integration of the Mexican and America cultures would be completely negative for America and destructive to our tradition of fairness under law.

Mexifornication has been a step backward. The unassimilated millions of Mexicans in this country bring with them their culture’s violence, disinterest in education, historic corruption and gender inequality.

On the basis of culture alone—forgetting about the drug cartels, financial cost to American taxpayers, threats to public health, the danger from political Aztlan and the normalization of treason—the idea is the worst ever to emanate from Washington.

Just say NO to the idiotic scheme of US-Mexico political union—truly a marriage made in hell.

Brenda Walker lives in northern California and publishes two websites, and, and has sworn off traveling to Mexico and drinking Mexican beer.

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ARTURO LUNA-ERASMO, JAVIER TENTZOHUA-LOPEZ, LUNA-ERASMO Mexican Trash Steal computers fake social security cards in Woodburn Oregon.

Laptop Tracking Software Leads OSP ARTURO LUNA-ERASMO,  JAVIER TENTZOHUA-LOPEZ, LUNA-ERASMO Mexican Trash Steal computers fake social security cards in Woodburn Oregon
Oregon State Police – 12/02/09

Oregon State Police (OSP), with the assistance of Woodburn Police Department and the Marion County District Attorney’s Office,
arrested two men generic mexicans most likely illegal ,
Wednesday morning after a May 2009 burglary investigation in Otis, Oregon led to a Woodburn area home and a stolen laptop computer. OSP investigators were led to the home with the help of tracking software installed in the laptop computer as a preventative measure in case it was stolen.

On May 11, 2009 an OSP trooper responded to a reported burglary at an Otis-area residence in the 29000 block of Salmon River Highway. The victim reported the theft of property including a laptop computer that had LoJack tracking software installed. The trooper worked with the LoJack company and determined a location of computer activity to a residence in the 1100 block of Dahlia Street in Woodburn.

Working in conjunction with the Marion County District Attorney’s Office, a search warrant was authorized. On December 2, 2009 at 11:00 a.m. OSP Criminal Investigations Division detectives from Salem and Lincoln City, along with troopers and Woodburn police, served the search warrant that led to the seizure of the stolen laptop computer and fake social security cards.

Two residents were taken into custody for Unlawful Possession of a Forged Instrument in the Second Degree. Booked into the Marion County Jail were ARTURO LUNA-ERASMO, age 21, and JAVIER TENTZOHUA-LOPEZ, age 20. LUNA-ERASMO will also be charged in Tillamook County with Theft by Receiving.

The investigation is continuing into who was involved in the Otis burglary leading to the stolen laptop ending up at the Woodburn residence.

No photographs available for release

Posted in cost of illegal aliens in oregon, Everify and numbersusa, Fake ID sold by Illegal Mexicans, fake social security cards, ID theft by mexican illegals, LUNA-ERASMO Mexican Trash Steal computers with fake social security, Woodburn Oregon= Mexico | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

ARCELIA RUIZ-MARTINEZ Mexican Crashes Car- Crappy Mexican Driving Near Mexican Woodburn Oregon

Oregon State Police – 12/02/09

ARCELIA RUIZ-MARTINEZ Mexican  Crashes Car- Crappy Mexican Driving Near Mexican Woodburn OregonInjury Traffic Crash – Highway 213 north of Silverton (Photo)
Oregon State Police – 12/02/09


2009-12/1002/ Crappy Mexican Driving-

A Welches-area woman Generic  Mexican Female with Fake blonde hair  received non-life threatening injuries Tuesday morning in a single vehicle rollover crash on Highway 213 near Herigstad Road north of Silverton. Oregon State Police (OSP) troopers are continuing the investigation.According to OSP Recruit Trooper Ray Henschel, on December 2, 2009 at approximately 8:15 a.m. a 2004 Chevrolet Tahoe driven by ARCELIA RUIZ-MARTINEZ, age 28, from Welches, was southbound on Highway 213 near milepost 25 when it traveled off the highway. The vehicle continued into a dirt field as the driver attempted to drive back onto the highway. Once it traveled back on the roadway it flipped onto its roof and skidded about 100 feet across the pavement, stopping when it hit the opposite side embankment.RUIZ-MARTINEZ was trapped inside the vehicle and had been using safety restraints. She was extricated by Silverton Fire and EMS personnel then transported by LifeFlight to Legacy Emanuel Hospital in Portland with non-life threatening injuries.
( what are the chances she had health insurance? not too good- I bet the taxpayers get to pay for this mexican’s injuries  with her crappy mexican driving. Silverton is a stone’s throw from all mexican Woodburn, so one wonder if she was visiting her illegal alien relatives or illegal alien boyfriend?
Traffic was detoured around the scene for about one hour.Photograph Source: Oregon State Police


Posted in Budget Crisis caused by Illegals and anchor babies, collateral damage from the invasion of illegal aliens, Mexicans are dangerous in Oregon as drivers, Uncategorized, Woodburn Oregon= Mexico | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

UPDATED:Maurice Clemmons shot and killed by police

Maurice Clemmons shot and killed by police



SEATTLE — Maurice Clemmons, the suspect in the brutal, execution-style slaying of four Parkland, Wash. police officers, was shot and killed Tuesday morning in the South Seattle area after confronting police.

Police said they found one of the dead officer’s guns on Clemmons.

Several other people in the Seattle and Tacoma areas have been arrested and face charges of aiding and abetting the alleged cop killer. Police said they arrested the suspected getaway driver who helped Clemmons escape Parkland after he allegedly walked into a coffee shop and gunned down Parkland Sergeant Mark Renninger, 39, and Officers Ronald Owens, 37, Tina Griswold, 40, and Greg Richards, 42.

UPDATED:Black  Criminal ( Nigger?) Male Maurice Clemmons suspect sought in Lakewood officers slaying

This is a Hate Crime


People are blaming Huckabee but it was

 a black N—– that pulled the trigger , not a white male.

( watch Obama ignore and trivialize this massacre just as he did the Ft Hood Shootings by an immigrant,muslim Arab. This is  yet another sign the US has become a third world shit hole,like Mexico and Columbia)

Maurice Clemmons, a suspectin the killing of four Lakewood Police officers in Parkland, Washington
Update:Black criminal Clemmons N____ was not in House surrounded by Swat team”

Maurice Clemmons, a suspectin the killing of four Lakewood Police officers in Parkland, Washington
(AP Photo/Pierce County Sheriff’s Department)

Maurice Clemmons, 37, has been upgraded from a “person of interest” in the shooting of four Lakewood, Washington police officers, to a “suspect.” In addition, a police spokesman hinted that Clemmons may actually be dead. 

According to The Seattle Times, Clemmons has been surrounded by police officers inside a Leschi neighborhood home located in Seattle. At a 3:00 a.m. press briefing, Pierce County sheriff’s spokesman Ed Troyer said of Clemmons, “He has suffered a gunshot wound.” It is believed the gunshot came during the attack on police officers Sgt. Mark Renninger, 39, and officers Ronald Owens, 37, Tina Griswold, 40, and Gregory Richards, 42, and was fired by one of the officers.


Maurice Clemmons Is Suspect In Killing 4 Washington Officers The Identified  Police Officers Victims Are:
Sgt. Mark Renninger, 39
Officer Ronald Owens, 37
Officer Tina Griswold, 40
Officer Greg Richards, 42.

Posted By Stacey Mulick on November 29, 2009 at 5:34 pm Share this

Maurice Clemmons

The Pierce County Sheriff’s Department has said they are looking for a person of interest in connection with this morning’s deadly shooting of four Lakewood police officers.

They are calling Maurice Clemmons, 37, a person of interest, not a suspect. He recently was released from jail and has extensive criminal history.

“He is somebody we want to talk to,” sheriff’s spokesman Ed Troyer said.

Investigators believe he was in the area.

Here’s the press release from the county:

The Pierce County Sheriff’s Department has identified a person of interest in the November 29, 2009, murder of four Lakewood Police officers. The person of interest is Maurice Clemmons, a 37 year old black male from the Parkland area of Pierce County. Clemmons is 5’8″ tall, 235 lbs., with black hair, brown eyes, and a mole on his left cheek.

Clemmons has extensive violent criminal history from Arkansas, including aggravated robbery and theft. He has also recently been arrested and charged in Pierce County for Assault 3rd on a Police Officer and for Rape of a Child.

Clemmons should be considered armed and extremely dangerous. If the public has any information on his whereabouts, call any tips to the Sheriff’s Department tip line at 1-866-977-2362.

UPDATE: Clemmons, described as a person of interest in the fatal shooting today of four Lakewood police officers, was granted clemency in 2004 by Mike Huckabee, then governor of Arkansas.

A 2004 news account from the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette described the decision:

Pulaski County prosecutors dropped aggravated-robbery charges Monday against a 32-year-old Little Rock man paroled in 2001 after Gov. Mike Huckabee commuted the man’s 95-year sentence.

Maurice Clemmons served 11 years after his conviction for aggravated robbery in 1989. He was paroled in August 2000. Huckabee cited Clemmons’ young age at the time of his sentence – 17 – in the proclamation announcing the clemency.

After his release from the state Department of Correction, Clemmons violated his parole and was returned to prison in July 2001. He was released March 18, 2004.

Little Rock police obtained a warrant charging Clemmons with two counts of aggravated robbery and theft in the March 26, 2001, robberies of Gary Ervin and Jennifer Chime. The robberies occurred when Clemmons was out on parole.

But the warrants were not served for three years until Clemmons, now 32, was being released from state prison.

Defense attorney Stephen Morley asked Circuit Judge Barry Sims to dismiss the new charges. Morley argued that too much time had elapsed between the issuance of the warrant and Clemmons’ arrest.

In a brief hearing Monday in Sims’ court, prosecutors announced they would drop the charges.

UPDATE No. 2: Local charges against Clemmons date to May and July. Jail records show Clemmons was arrested and released four times between May and September, and most recently released from jail Nov. 24, five days before the Lakewood shootings.

In May, Clemmons was charged with multiple counts of third-degree assault and malicious mischief. The May 9 incident occurred in the 13100 block of 12th Avenue South, court documents state. Clemmons and two accomplices were confronted about multiple vehicles with broken windows. A sheriff’s deputy tried to arrest the two accomplices, who fought.

During the struggle, Clemmons emerged from a house and joined in the fight, punching the deputy in the face. A second deputy arrived, and the three men were arrested. Jail records indicate Clemmons bailed out of jail on May 11.

In July, Clemmons was arrested and charged with second-degree child rape. He bailed out on July 27. Prosecutors also discovered that Clemmons had an outstanding arrest warrant from the state of Arkansas. The Arkansas warrant was dismissed in July.

Prosecutors trying to multiple charges ordered Clemmons to undergo a mental evaluation to determine his competency to stand trial. Clemmons was found competent, according to court records.

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10 Responses to “UPDATED: Person of interest sought in Lakewood officers slaying”

justin_yorbum says:

November 29, 2009 at 6:09 pm

I hope they execute him in the street.

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fantum says:

November 29, 2009 at 6:11 pm

Clemmons was paroled by Gov Mike Huckabee (R) in 2000

___ Maurice Clemmons received a 35-year sentence in the early 1990s for armed robbery and theft. His sentence was commuted in May 2000, and he was let out three months later.

___ The following March, Clemmons committed two armed robberies and other crimes and was sentenced to 10 years. You’d think they’d keep him locked up after that, but no: He was paroled last March and is now wanted for aggravated robbery and I suppose a few questions about this case as well.

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MasterAtArms says:

November 29, 2009 at 6:28 pm

he will be a lucky man if the police get him before I do! i wouldnt mind a little prison time in this case.

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myhomeloan101 says:

November 29, 2009 at 6:52 pm

my home is locked and loaded and happily awaiting mr clemens should he choose to make a surprise visit… i hope they nail him tonite and hopefully he will be riding in a hearse before the morning sun comes up….

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angileyz says:

November 29, 2009 at 6:56 pm

I hope he puts up a strugle when they find him so my tax $ doesn’t support him for the next 60 years! He already has had one chance too many…

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Capybara91 says:

November 29, 2009 at 6:57 pm

I want the judge who released this scumbag to be publicized and scrutinized. He was facing life in prison under the 3 strikes law but was out on $150k bail.

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GreatWhiteTruth says:

November 29, 2009 at 7:08 pm



That is sooooo unlike a black male to commit an unbelievably senseless violent act…


Blacks committed 52.3% of all homicides between 1976-2005; blacks are only 12% of the population!

And a direct quote from the FBI/DOJ:

“Blacks were over 7 times more likely than whites to commit homicide in 2005”.

Blacks make up 48% of convicted violent offenders in prison

Blacks commit 44% of all rapes, despite being only 12% of the population

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knowumsayin says:

November 29, 2009 at 7:09 pm

Ok, this has got to qualify as a hate crime.

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knowumsayin says:

November 29, 2009 at 7:14 pm

“blacks are only 12% of the population.. ” Correct, but we’re only talking about black males between 18 and 50 who are the responsible for a disproportional amount of the violent crime. And they make up only about 5 percent of the population.

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GreatWhiteTruth says:

November 29, 2009 at 7:17 pm

NO HATE CRIME HERE !!! The victims are the WRONG COLOR to qualify this as a hate crime even though that’s what most black on white crimes are.

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***Updated***SHEENA MENDOZA, Hairstylist Murdered by CURT WAYNE WISE, age 40 in Hillsboro 22075 NW Imbrie drive Great Clips Hair Salon: Suicide Homicide

Sheena’s murder is  due to a huge influx of illegal aliens and immigrants, all from countries more violent towards women than the western countries. Most of the women murdered in Oregon and elsewhere are killed by non-white males, and usally by immigrants or illegal aliens.

“This world would be a much better place had you been shot instead of Sheena”

from the comment page of Seela Larabee-( thanks Seela from Chico Ca, I can feel the Love -My but Hispanics are primitive , vengeful and mean!. I am used to Hispanics writing in and wishing violent death upon me and my family,( mexican family values) all the while telling me they will pray for me. ) All I have done is comment on why I think so many ethnic women are being murdered in the US, and violent crimes against Women and children have skyrocketed since the mass invasion began from Mexico and Latin America, not to mention Africa , and Muslim countries.

 Seela Larabee – who appears to also have sharpie eyebrows and may be mexican too, wrote in to tell me how awful I was for posting about Shenna. Thanks for dropping by but attacking me is rather pointless and getting very boring, why don’t you attack the Hillsboro Police for doing nothing to protect Shenna. 

Tyson Gilbert ,20, of Beaverton ,also wrote in to threaten and cast insults. Thanks ,Tyson.

lazarus mavis also threatened my blog and made numerous attacks. He lives in beaverton oregon ( see comments) and on his myspace acct has a marijauna flag, makes violent threats, and brags about  drug use. The John Tess Show tells people not to use Facebook and My space for inappropriate remarks, because employers and others check the internet. I suggested  he move out of washington county . 

Ryan Dean Banks

who seems to live in Houston Texas and has no idea how Oregon has been devastated by the Invasion, says he is shocked  I exist, he is not shocked three year olds are being raped by illegal Mexicans Males in Oregon, nope just that I report the invasion. This reporting of the invasion has got to come to an end ,says Mr banks.


I n0w think, Sheena had a white american mother, you know those really ___but very white women who marry mulatto mexicans and give them green cards. Remember a Hillsboro police officer failed to take her complaints seriously . The television stations have an ad for Sizzler Steak House that runs before the short clip on Shenna. They made their buck off of her death.


  White american men brag about how easy “latinas” are and how you can do whatever you want to them or with them. So a loser white male  takes up with a mexican half his age and can’t believe she might challenge him in some way, so he cracks and murders her. The other murders in Washington County have to a large degree been immigrants, legal or otherwise.

 Another reason to stop all immigration for ten years.

In Mexico, killing a woman is no big deal.

As per usual , people are very upset about my calling her a mexican, but not that I called her killer a white male. That’s because , when white people use the term, it’s threatening to Mexicans, it means we know what’s up, while they can march in the street with mexican flags and its cool. I n0w think, Sheena had a white american mother, you know those really ___but very white women who marry mulatto mexicans and give them green cards.



***Updated***Hillsboro Police Investigate Homicide***Names Released***Hillsboro Police Dept. – 11/30/09

Upon officers arrival, they discovered the male suspect alive. He was treated at the scene and was transported to Emanuel Hospital via ambulance. He is in critical condition.This case is being investigated by Hillsboro Police, Hillsboro Police Detectives and the Washington County Major Crimes Team. HPD was assisted in first response by Tri-Met police, Washington County Sheriff’s Office, and Hillsboro Fire Dept. The collaboration aided in securing the scene very quickly.The names of the parties involved will not be released until at least Monday, pending notification of relatives.

# # #

This message updates the release below on the fatal shooting at the Great Clips Salon located in Hillsboro.

Detectives have made notification to the families involved,and this release identifies the victim and suspect in this case. The victim is SHEENA MENDOZA, age 20. The suspect is CURT WAYNE WISE, age 40. No photographs of either person are available. I knew an hispanic surname would be involved. So this is the kind of white male that dates mexicans half his age. Just another day in Trashy Hillsboro Oregon

The victim’s family wishes absolutely no contact from media outlets and they wish to convey the message that we all honor the memory of the Sheena by working toward and finding solutions , education, and prevention of domestic violence.

The suspect in this case, Curt Wise, remains alive with an extreme brain injury at Emanuel Hospital. No further information will be released except an update on the suspect’s condition when available.


On 11/29/09 at 4:30 PM, Hillsboro Police were called to 22075 NW Imbrie drive to the Great Clips Hair Salon at the report of shots fired. Upon arrival, Officers discovered a 20 year old female employee of the salon shot dead in a break room area of the shop.

Further investigation revealed that the victim’s boyfriend, a 40 year old male, entered the salon, and had been talking to her in the break room. The couple had been having difficulties in their relationship, had been arguing and the male suspect shot the female with a .357 cal revolver handgun. He then turned the gun on himself and fired one round to his head.

Upon officers arrival, they discovered the male suspect alive. He was treated at the scene and was transported to Emanuel Hospital via ambulance. He is in critical condition.

This case is being investigated by Hillsboro Police, Hillsboro Police Detectives and the Washington County Major Crimes Team. HPD was assisted in first response by Tri-Met police, Washington County Sheriff’s Office, and Hillsboro Fire Dept. The collaboration aided in securing the scene very quickly.

The names of the parties involved will not be released until at least Monday, pending notification of relatives.

Hillsboro Police Investigate Shooting
Hillsboro Police Dept. – 11/29/09

On 11/29/09 at 4:30 PM, Hillsboro Police were called to 22075 NW Imbrie drive to the Great Clips Hair Salon at the report of shots fired. Upon arrival, Officers discovered a 20 year old female employee of the salon shot dead in a break room area of the shop.Further investigation revealed that the victim’s boyfriend, a 40 year old male, entered the salon, and had been talking to her in the break room. The couple had been having difficulties in their relationship, had been arguing and the male suspect shot the female with a .357 cal revolver handgun. He then turned the gun on himself and fired one round to his head.

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Maria Isabel Cervantes-Gutierrezwas , Road Kill: Jaywalking Mexican Shuts down traffic for two hours Gladstone oregon

A pedestrian  Mexican Breeder who  refused to  obey American Laws Maria Isabel Cervantes-Gutierrezwas , was killed last night while attempting to cross SR 99E near Gladstone.

once again , a Mexican, costs the taxpayers lots of cold hard cash, because Maria couldn’t bother to use the crosswalk at night. perhaps she is an illegal alien or a product of one of 13 amnesties, yet a typical mexican who won’t follow any laws.

Now Maria is Roadkill- she didn’t cross the road , the road crossed her( this is a spoof on We didnt cross the border the border crossed us)

so typically Mexican and the cost of her stupidity is incalcuable .We don’t know how many people were seriously inconvienced by the two hour delay. 

The mexicans have taken over our schools, our roads, our hospitals, our jails.

On Friday, November 25th about 8:20 PM, Oregon State Police Troopers from the Portland Area Command responded to a single vehicle, auto vs. pedestrian, traffic collision on SR 99E north of Meldrum Ave near Gladstone. The investigation showed that Maria Isabel Cervantes-Gutierrez, 60, from Milwaukie, was crossing SR 99E from east to west when she was struck by a Chevrolet Astrovan being driven by Nathan Sheets, 24, of Milwaukie. Cervantes-Gutierrez was transported by AMR ambulance to OHSU hospital where she was pronounced deceased.
Based on evidence at the scene and witness statements, it appears Cervantes-Gutierrez was crossing SR 99E mid-block and was not in a crosswalk when she was struck.

 Sheets stopped his van immediately and remained at the scene until police and medical personnel arrived and cooperated fully in the investigation. The southbound lanes of SR 99E were closed for approximately two hours while troopers from the Oregon State Police Collision Reconstruction Unit investigated the collision. No citations have been issued and the investigation is continuing. OSP was assisted at the scene by the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Dept., Gladstone Police Dept., Clackamas County Fire Dept., and ODOT.Attached Media Files: 2009-11/1002/PB130324.JPG , 2009-11/1002/PB130321.JPG

Posted in collateral damage from the invasion of illegal aliens, cost of illegal aliens in oregon, roadkill of jaywalking mexicans in Oregon | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Update! Four Mexican Illegals hit by ARISTEO PEREZ AGUILAR Illegal Mexican In Mexitrash Gresham Oregon ! Deport REYES CRUZ Deport JUAN VELASQUEZ LUNDA of Gresham.


Four Mexican Illegals hit by Legal White Male In Mexitrash Gresham Oregon !  Deport REYES CRUZ  Deport JUAN VELASQUEZ LUNDA of Mexico .Gresham Police Dept – 11/27/09

SE Stark & SE 181st

HIT & RUN SUSPECT wasn’t a white male but aARISTEO PEREZ AGUILAR illegal , swarthy mulatto non-white Mexican illegal with no driver’s license LOCATED AND ARRESTED 

( shame on the Gresham Police for saying he was a white male- Mexico doesnt send white males to the US)

Gresham Police Dept – 11/28/09

On November 28, 2009 at 8:05 am Gresham Officers observed a suspect vehicle involved in a Felony Hit & Run from the day before driving in the area of Burnside and SE 202nd. Officers made the traffic stop and contacted the driver who verbally identified himself as 26 year old ARISTEO PEREZ AGUILAR of Gresham. After a short conversation via a Spanish interpreter PEREZ confessed to the Hit & Run, which occurred at SE 181st and SE Stark. He told Officers that he was scared and was very sorry for what he had done.(Lying mexican BS to cover his ass- mexicans will do anything to stay in the States, even kill people , this is the second hit and run by a mexican in one week ,and both were illegal and both hit mexicans, ) He was taken into custody and transported to MCDC. It should be noted that his identity has not yet been confirmed as he had no identification on him at the time of the arrest. PEREZ is charged with the following:

2 counts of Felony Hit & Run bail $10,000.00
1 count of Reckless Driving bail $2500.00
4 counts of Recklessly Endangering bail $10,000.00
4 counts of Assault IV bail $10,000.00
3 counts of Criminal Mischief II bail $7500.00
1 count of Failure to Carry/Display a Driver’s License bail $1000.00

Sgt. Richard Wilson
Pager 503-301-5182

****Additional Charge now listed above for Assault*******

SE Stark & SE 181st

This should be considered good news ,except of course, the mexicans and thier anchor babies survived and ran up another hospital bill at the taxpayer’s expense.

 Look at the signs in the area you can see numerous  shops run by illegals with  spanish signs ,and how over-populated Oregon is with Mexican Illegals. Oregon is crawling with them. What the Gresham Police should have done is check their immigration status for I am certain they are illegal and if they had stayed in Mexico or El Salvador they wouldn’t have gotten hit in the first place.

 November 27, 2009

Four Mexican Illegals hit by  ARISTEO PEREZ AGUILAR In Mexitrash Gresham Oregon !  Deport REYES CRUZ Deport ALEJANDRO REYES CRUZ


On November 27, 2009 at approximately 2:45 pm 30 year old ALEJANDRO REYES CRUZ of Gresham & his family   Mexico were stopped for a red light facing Southbound in the left turn lane on SE Stark at SE 181st. While waiting for the light REYES CRUZ was suddenly struck from behind by a pick up truck, which left the scene Eastbound on SE 181st. The force of the impact pushed his car forward into another vehicle being operated by 24 year old JUAN VELASQUEZ LUNDA of Gresham. Mexico REYES CRUZ, his wife and 6 year old son     anchor baby ( one of 4 million in the US and 3 million are mexican) were all injured with neck, stomach and back pain. They were all transported to area hospitals for treatment. VELASQUEZ LUNDA was also injured with neck & back pain. He too was transported to the hospital. Everyone was wearing their seatbelts and the child was properly secured in a booster seat.

The suspect is described as a White Male hit by ARISTEO PEREZ AGUILAR illegal no license , no ID , no English mexican piece of trash-approximately 20 years of age. The vehicle is described as a dark tan or light brown Chevrolet pick up . The vehicle should have moderate front-end damage. If anyone has any information on the whereabouts of this person and/or the vehicle please contact the Gresham Police.

***Picture Attached****

Sgt. Richard Wilson
Pager 503-301

Posted in Gresham is a mexican shit hole, Gresham Oregon Mexican trash, No amnesty | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

UPdate Lopez-Perez gets 17 months sentence for killing Erika Rubi Meza 2 yr old Mexican Anchor Toddler Killed by Juan ****hit and run in Mexican Slum of Salem by Illegal Mexican Male Juan Lopez-Perez 

Ilegal alien Juan Lopez perez- gets 17 months for killing anchor brat Erika Meza, > Martha Meza is also illegal and should be deported.

from another site :”What kind of fucked up parent lets their kid run around a parking lot? MEXICANS !!!!!!!This is a HUGE issue in my apartment complex… There’s a few familys in my complex that let their young children run around the parking lot (Most don’t speak english, so when you complain to them they just stare at you.). About 5 years ago, A 3 year old was actually hit by a pickup in my apartments because he ran out from between two parked cars and was hit by the truck. He was pinned under the vehicle, but only got broken bones if my memory serves me right.

It’s really fucked up when I have to stop 90 times while driving through my small parking lot because small children and cats don’t seem to have a clue that they should move out of the roadway when cars are coming. :2angry:

Erika Rubi Meza Mexican Anchor Toddler hit and run in Mexican Slum of Salem by Illegal Mexican Male Juan Lopez-Perez . Just another day In Mexican Occupied Salem. First A  Mexican Illegal Breeder-whore Martha Meza lets her small anchor brats run loose in the parking lot of an apartment complex.

This is clearly  in violation of the Rules of Apartment  complexes., which are never enforced unless you ask for repairs and then they throw the book at you. Salem is Mexico. The police need to use their energies in letting the mexicans know they will be deported, but they are probably afraid of being killed by the Mexicans, since Marth Meza , is an illegal alien who speaks only spanish, and the mexican Juan has an ICE  HOLD. The parking lot is a wetback stronghold and mexican candles are placed where the anchor brat died. Clearly all of them belong in Mexico where they can drive drunk breed and run each other over at their leisure.Turns out the Mexican Juan knew he killed Ericka but he was illegal or undocumented so he ran to save his ass and those are Mexican Values in a nutshell.Erika’s mother, who speaks only spanish, spoke to KOIN Local 6 through an interpreter.  Martha Meza said of her daughter, “She was really special. She was really special to her and to other people. If it was an accident, why didn’t he stop to help the little girl? She wants him to pay for what he did.” (Lopez-Perez is being held on $80,000 dollars bail, and is also under an ICE Hold.  That mean the INS is concerned about his legal residency status.  Meanwhile, at Meza’s apartment complex, more than a dozen candles now sit where the young girl was killed.
Breeders like Martha never get reported to ICEMartha the Illegal Mexican Breeder wants Juan the Illegal Mexican to Pay for what he did. No,he  shouldn’t. He should be deported and so should Martha  and both should be sterilized first. Typical Mexican Puta, she thinks the parking lot is a playground . If this was Mexico , no one would even care that Juan killed her anchor brat.




 Deport Martha Meza and Family


Immigration and Customs

Attn: Investigations

511 NW Broadway

Portland Oregon97209

 If you know someone who is either illegal and not paying taxes such as a gardener or  a sidewalk taco dealer,  I  suggest you submit IRS Form 3949-A



 So the little girl with the white,Nordic name gets killed.  Bravo ,one anchor baby gone , this will save the American White taxpayers about $200000.

 Americans are really tired of the way Mexicans never watch their brats, they run all over the place grabbing this and that , throwing things on the floor and the parents let them. Go to the Goodwill and even the Mexicans who work there can’t get the Mexicans to manage their kids. They say the Mexicans bring their anchors  and leave them all day , never minding them. But try telling a mexican to mind their brat and watch their hatred. The Anchor brats running all over and joining gangs is their own brand of terrorism.



By the way, a new trend of Mexican illegals is to give their kids white american names, like Kevin and Erika so they will blend. You might call them Amnesty is coming names. It’s sorta like all the illegals who shave their black Indian hair and wear baseball caps so Americans won’t know they are illegal aliens. Not so, as soon as I see a shaved head I think Hispanic illegal and gang member.The Sharpie eyebrows of Mexican females, originated because Mexican Indians have heavy brows with thick black eyebrows, by shaving them off the Mexican females think they look Anglo, but they don’t, Non-Mexicans are fasicanated by the sharpies eyebrows.

But back to the death of the anchor brat, a mexican named Juan drives like crap and kills the kid and leaves. Mexicans do this all the time.Its normal, break the law, drive drunk , kill people. Whatever. If the laws about drivers licences had been tightened up ten years ago, none of these mexicans would be here.

But the police just love those illegal, puta ,latinas so they went after him and now Americans get to pay for his jail time, when everyone involved in this should have been deported.




Salem Police Dept. – 11/25/09

SALEM POLICE DEPARTMENT2 year old struck and killed while walking in parking lot.On November 24th at 5:52 PM, the Salem Police Department and Salem Fire Department were dispatched to 3876 Sunnyview Rd NE regarding a child that was struck by a vehicle in the parking lot of the Stoneridge Apartments. The child, 2 year old Erika Rubi Meza was struck by a pickup truck that left the scene after the incident. Due to her injuries, Erika Meza died at the scene.

A subsequent investigation showed Erika and her sister were walking through the parking lot of the apartment complex when a white Ford four door pickup truck struck Erika. The truck continued through the parking lot and left the scene on Sunnyview Rd NE.



The Salem Police Traffic Unit was called in to conduct the crash investigation and remained on scene until 11:00 pm. Later in the evening at 11:40 pm, the Salem Police Department received information advising the truck involved in the accident was located in the 2100 block of Maple Avenue NE in Salem. Officers responded to the scene and ultimately arrested Juan Lopez-Perez for Felony Hit and Run. Lopez-Perez is 31 years old and a illegal alien from MexicoSalem resident. Lopez-Perez was lodged in the Marion County Jail and is set for arraignment at 1 p.m. today. This incident is still under investigation. Anyone with information is encouraged to call the Salem Police Department Traffic Unit at 503-588-6171. Further information will be released by the Marion County District Attorney’s Office. 













Posted in anchor babies, Marion County is overun with mexican criminal, marion county jail full of mexicans, marion county salem full of criminal trashy mexicans and slumlords, mexican Humor, meza | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

White Women Who Marry Mexicans: Go to Jail do Not pass Go Adrian Rodriguez

Woman indicted related to Lebanon teen death in January
Linn County Sheriff’s Office – 10/30/09

Adrian Rodriguez

Adrian Rodriguez- I can tell from looking at her that she is a white woman, native born, not hispanic, and that she made the huge mistake of marrying a mexican, which always takes a woman down. I know of another white woman who hooked up with a mexican drug cartel dealer and ended up in prison and lost her kids. Mexicans are always a bad move.There are so many mug shots of white women with mexican surnames.

On October 29, 2009, a Linn County Grand Jury returned an indictment against Adrian Renee Rodriguez, age 38, on nine counts of furnishing alcohol to a minor and one count of frequenting a place where controlled substances are used. The charges are related to the investigation into the death of 14-year-old Quentin Alexander Thacker, whose body was found in a ditch near South 9th Street and W. “C” Street in Lebanon on January 18, 2009.

The investigation, led by detectives from the Linn County Sheriff’s Office, determined that Quentin had died after using marijuana and consuming alcohol at a party hosted by Rodriguez, at 1190 S. 9th Street, a residence where she lived at the time. Quentin’s body was located approximately 120 yards south of the residence.

An autopsy determined that Quentin had died of “asphyxiation by drowning.” A toxicological examination determined that at the time of his death, Quentin had a blood alcohol concentration of .21 percent, and also a positive test for cannabinoids, indicating marijuana use.

The charges against Rodriguez involve eight other minors in addition to Quentin.

Rodriguez is in custody at the Linn County Jail, where she has been since October 13, 2009, when she was arrested on an unrelated parole violation sanction.

This investigation is continuing, and additional charges against Rodriguez or others is possible.

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