Traitor Federal Judge Susan Bolton Blocks part of Arizona's Great Immigration Law

Federal Judge Blocks Arizona’s Immigration Enforcement Law

Wednesday, July 28, 2010, 1:19 PM EDT – posted on NumbersUSA

Congressmen Who…

  • Voted Against Arizona By Funding Lawsuit Against the State

    Updated Wednesday, July 28, 2010, 12:39 PM EDT – posted on NumbersUSA

July 20, 2010 – Senate Votes To Fund Lawsuit Against Arizona

A “Yes” vote prohibits funding of the Justice Department’s lawsuit against Arizona

A “No” vote allows funding of the Justice Department’s lawsuit against Arizona

Voted YES Count: 43

Voted NO Count: 55

  • Alexander (R-TN)

  • Barrasso (R-WY)

  • Baucus (D-MT)

  • Bennett (R-UT)

  • Bond (R-MO)

  • Brownback (R-KS)

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  • Kyl (R-AZ)

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Federal Judge Susan Bolton has blocked two portions of Arizona’s immigration enforcement law, including the law’s most controversial section requiring police officers to ask individuals stopped, detained or arrested to prove their legal status if the officer has “reasonable suspicion” that the individual is in the country illegally.

Judge Bolton also blocked the provisions that require the carrying of federal immigration papers, even though federal law requires legal permanent residents to carry their green cards at all times, and the section that prohibits illegal aliens to solicit for work in public places.

In her ruling, Judge Bolton said that since the police are required to check the status of anyone in custody who is suspected of being in the country illegally, it will overburden the system causing legal immigrants to remain in custody for a longer period of time while their status is checked.

The provision of the law that restricts the transporting of illegal aliens will still take effect on Thursday, July 29.

Today’s ruling is not the final judgment on the Arizona law. Judge Bolton’s decision simply suspends the one portion of the law until she offers a final ruling on the government’s lawsuit against the state.

Read Judge Bolton’s decision (P

SAVE Act and CLEAR Act Can Overturn Judge Bolton’s Decision on Arizona Immigration Enforcement Law

By Chris Chmielenski, Wednesday, July 28, 2010, 4:03 PM EDT – posted on NumbersUSA

Federal Judge Susan Bolton ordered an injunction today of Arizona’s immigration enforcement law, formerly known as SB1070, just hours before it’s scheduled to take effect. Supporters of immigration enforcement are angry and frustrated over the ruling, but there is hope in the halls of Congress – of all places. If Congress passed the SAVE Act and CLEAR Act, these two bills together would secure the border, mandate E-Verify nationwide, and provide local law enforcement officials with the tools to help federal officials enforce immigration laws obviating the need for SB1070.

Let’s take a look at exactly what today’s ruling by Judge Bolton actually represents. It’s an injunction – or a temporary suspension – of several provisions within Arizona’s immigration enforcement law. It’s not the final decision. After hearing both sides of the case in a lengthy civil trial, Judge Bolton could decide that the federal government did not do a satisfactory job of proving their case, thereby causing her to lift her injunction. While that’s highly unlikely, it is possible.

Judge Bolton’s decision did strike down SB1070’s most famous clause that requires local police officers to check an individual’s immigration status if they have ‘reasonable suspicion’ that the individual is in the country illegally.

The decision did not suspend provisions that prohibit sanctuary cities, require state and local cooperation with federal officials, allow its residents to sue local leaders for refusing to cooperate with federal officials, prohibit the transport of illegal aliens, and restrict solicitation of illegal alien day laborers.

Arizona’s mandatory E-Verify law that was passed several years ago is still intact, including its sanctions for businesses that knowingly hire illegal aliens. Plus, any communities that participate in the federal government’s 287(g) and Secure Communities programs can still do so, and SB1070 prevents local municipalities from outright refusing to cooperate with federal enforcement officials.

In other words, despite Judge Bolton’s ruling today, SB1070 is still a step in the right direction for Arizona.

Poll after poll shows consistent support from Americans who want an Arizona-style enforcement law passed in their own state. Today’s ruling has no impact on states that are proceeding with similar legislation. Arizona’s federal district court does not have jurisdiction over South Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Florida, so lawmakers in those states can cautiously proceed without concern.

What now?

Today’s ruling from Judge Bolton becomes moot if Congress passes the SAVE Act and the CLEAR Act. It’s unlikely for either bill to make its way to the House floor before the end of the 111th Congress in December. But both are expected to be reintroduced next year and could move forward with enough constituent pressure.

Check your Members’ Immigration-Reduction Report Cards and see if they’ve cosponsored the SAVE Act and CLEAR Act. If they haven’t, call their office and urge them to do so. You can also look on our grid of “5 Great Immigration Reduction Bills” and see if they’ve cosponsored SAVE, CLEAR, and three other key bills.

And finally, there are rumblings in the Senate that Majority Leader Harry Reid may try to bring the DREAM Act to the floor for a vote before they adjourn on August 9. We’ve posted new faxes on your Action Board to send to your Senators. With the fallout from Arizona, your elected officials will be much more sensitive to what their constituents are telling them.

We know you’re frustrated with today’s ruling. But there’s not much anyone can do about a court issued injunction from a federally appointed judge, so direct your frustrations towards things you can control. Make immigration enforcement a top election issue this fall and urge your current Members of Congress to cosponsor the SAVE Act and CLEAR Act!

CHRIS CHMIELENSKI is the Website Content Manager for NumbersUSA

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Posted in Arise Americans! Obama & Traitors Plan New Amnesty! FIRE Coalition Alipac OFIR, Arizona Immigration Enforcement law, arizona law and woodland wa chuck bloom, arizona mexi-trash, Immigration-Reduction Report Cards | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Puta El Salvadore Illegally in California Erotic Services

Whore Puta of El Salvador

I kid you not, from LA Craigslist ,where she stated where she was from, and had a series of campy pictures like the one above. Red Hair or Blonde does not make one a Gringa.

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Muslim Burqa ban passes French lower house overwhelmingly

Burqa ban passes French lower house overwhelmingly

Not good news by a long shot, because it merely treats the symptoms , not the disease. The mistake the French made was allowing the murderous , primitive  Algerian Muslims into their country in the first place.

Ps. I saw a Muslim woman in a Burka( her face was uncovered, at Trader Joes in Hillsboro. She was driving a late model car, was fat and swarthy and had two anchor baby sons. Obviously her husband makes good coin by taking a position that should have gone to a white, non-muslim, American college graduate.Muslims also castrate their daughters, yet another tribal right they have brought to the West.

By the CNN Wire Staff //
// -1) {document.write(‘July 13, 2010 — Updated 1524 GMT (2324 HKT)’);} else {document.write(‘July 13, 2010 11:24 a.m. EDT’);}
// ]]>July 13, 2010 11:24 a.m. EDT


A veiled woman speaks with another woman at a courthouse in Nanterre, Paris, earlier this month.

A veiled woman speaks with another woman at a courthouse in Nanterre, Paris, earlier this month.


  • Ban passes the lower house of the French parliament by a huge majority
  • French people overwhelmingly favor a ban, the Pew Global Attitudes Project found this spring
  • Amnesty International urged France not to pass it, saying the ban violates religious freedom
  • The bill still needs Senate approval to become law

Paris, France (CNN) — France’s lower house of parliament Tuesday overwhelmingly passed a ban on any veils that cover the face — including the burqa, the full-body covering worn by some Muslim women.

The vote was 335 to 1, with 339 lawmakers not voting.

The measure must still go to the French Senate before it becomes law. The Senate is expected to vote on it in the week of September 20.

French people back the ban by a margin of more than four to one, the Pew Global Attitudes Project found in a survey this spring.

Some 82 percent of people polled approved of a ban, while 17 percent disapproved. That was the widest support the Washington-based think tank found in any of the five countries it surveyed.

Clear majorities also backed burqa bans in Germany, Britain and Spain, while two out of three Americans opposed it, the survey found.

The French Council of Ministers approved the measure in May, saying veils that cover the face “cannot be tolerated in any public place.” Their approval sent the bill to parliament.

The parliamentary vote is the latest step in France’s efforts to ban the burqa, niqab and other Muslim garments that cover a woman’s face.

A panel of French lawmakers recommended a ban last year, and lawmakers unanimously passed a non-binding resolution in May calling the full-face veil contrary to the laws of the nation.

“Given the damage it produces on those rules which allow the life in community, ensure the dignity of the person and equality between sexes, this practice, even if it is voluntary, cannot be tolerated in any public place,” the French government said when it sent the measure to parliament in May.

The bill envisions a fine of 150 euros ($190) and/or a citizenship course as punishment for wearing a face-covering veil.

Forcing a woman to wear a niqab or a burqa would be punishable by a year in prison or a 15,000-euro ($19,000) fine, the government said, calling it “a new form of enslavement that the republic cannot accept on its soil.”

The measure would take effect six months after passage, giving authorities time to try to persuade women who veil themselves voluntarily to stop.

The French Council of State has warned that the ban could be incompatible with international human rights laws and the country’s own constitution. The council advises on laws, but the government is not required to follow its recommendations.

Amnesty International has repeatedly urged French lawmakers not to approve the ban.

“A complete ban on the covering of the face would violate the rights to freedom of expression and religion of those women who wear the burqa or the niqab in public as an expression of their identity or beliefs,” said John Dalhuisen, Amnesty International’s expert on discrimination in Europe, in May.

If the French bill is approved by the upper house and signed into law, it will be the first national ban in Europe on the burqa, a full-body covering that includes a mesh over the face, and the niqab, a full-face veil that leaves an opening only for the eyes.

The hijab, which tightly covers the hair and neck but not the face, and the chador, which covers the body but not the face, apparently would not be banned by either law. However, a 2004 law in France bans the wearing or displaying of overt religious symbols in schools — including the wearing of headscarves by schoolgirls.

The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life estimates that France has about 3.5 million Muslims, or about 6 percent of the population.

France does not keep its own statistics on religious affiliation of the population, in keeping with its laws requiring the state to be strictly secular

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Lewis Landscaping Of West Portland Hires Illegal aliens not Americans Does not Use Everify

Before I started this site, I reported Lewis Landscaping to ICE several times and I contacted the owner, who felt no need to follow the laws concerning illegal aliens.

The address for ICE is on the left margin of my blog. Report him again.

I went to the site on and Lewis Landscaping is not registered with the Everify Program. This means their workers can use illegal, stolen or no ID and be in the country illegally. I have seen Mr. Lewis’s workers and they all fit the profile of illegal aliens from Mexico and all male too.

Posted in Fire you mexican gardner, H1-b workers steal jobs, HK & T Landcaping hires illegal aliens, hortus landscaping appears to hire only mexicans, ICE demands I-9 forms, Landscapers who hire illegals | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Black Judge Clarence Thomas's Nephew Tasered in Hospital,0,5113332.story

 with the way Judges are selling out Americans to the illegal aliens, I say go for it. Clarence Thomas was a sleaze anyway. The Nephew will not be using the Race Card, as the people who hit him and tazed him are most likely Black too, but he is using the Judge Card.It’s like that down there.

24 year old Derek Thomas was admitted to West Jeff Thursday afternoon. Shortly after arriving, he was asked to put on a hospital gown. Thomas says he refused, and wanted to leave the facility. Within minutes, Thomas says things got very ugly, very fast. “The guy asked me, you’re either going to do it or we’re going to tase you” Thomas says.Before being tased, Thomas says he was punched in the lip and had a fist full of his hair pulled out. To make matters worse, he is epileptic, and says he suffered a massive seizure as he was being tased. His sister Kimberly says he could’ve died. “This was not only put on his chart letting them know he already had a health condition … this should not have happened at a hospital” Kimberly Thomas comments.

Minutes after the incident allegedly happened Kimberly called her uncle. She says he was completely shocked and outraged. Justice Clarence Thomas will be coming to New Orleans this weekend to investigate what happened at the hospital.

Thomas meanwhile, says he will take legal action. “I would like to sue the hospital because it was uncalled for. Where in America can you go and, from you not putting on a robe, should the consequence be tased, punched in the face?”

Derek Thomas is also hoping his uncle, a man who is often the final word when it comes to right and wrong, can help to make sure this alleged abuse doesn’t happen to anyone else.

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Obama's Oil Spill A Crime Against Nature: All the links you need

I did not post this on craigslist – but someone who included my blog did so. Obama is an environmental disaster because he promotes open borders and unlimited immigration. I don’t think he is an American, no matter where he was born, because he only cares about those who are foreign, and despises the everyday Americans , who are usally white, who made this county worth stealing. Gulf Oil Spill : USA 2010 NATIONAL STATE OF EMERGENCY (Obama’s Oil Spill A Crime Against Nature)

Date: 2010-07-02, 3:28PM PDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?] “SAVE THE GULF” USA 2010 SEIZE BP ARMAGEDDON 2010 Gulf Oil Spill : DAYS AND NIGHTS SEIZE EXXON com REGIME CHANGE 2010 USA GREEN REVOLUTION “RE : Obama Failed To Uphold Sworn Duty To Protect USA .DEATH To The Queen of England. Nuke London. American Freedon Death To Britan RE New World Order : Bilderberg Group WTO UN takeover of The US Federal Government.We The People FIGHT BACK TAKE BACK AMERICA. 4-20-2010 The Gulf Oil Spill : THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING !!! Obama Monsanto Puppet http://the-road– Obama’s SILENT SPRING 2010 SAVE THE GULF 2010 USA A CALL TO ACTION We The People ? RNC / DNC Hanging by A Cherry Tree” Hope and Change (New World Order Foreign Enslavement and Destruction of FREE HUMANTY AND WILD NATURE WE THE PEOPLE 2010 OBAMA FAILED TO PROTECT AMERICA Obama is a NWO Foreign / Corporate New World Order Slave OBAMA RESIGN AND FACE JUSTICE FOR YOUR CRIMES AGAINST NATURE AND HUMANITY USA USA USA GREEN REVOLUTION 06-21-2010 Initiation 2010 ” President Mason” The Avatar 2010 USA USA USA !!! SAVE THE GULF FROM OIL AND END THE GULF OIL WAR !!! SEIZE THE WHITEHOUSE June 21,2010 A New America “The Golden Rule” Columbia Party Washington DC “Masonic Return” Seed of Life : Hemp USA New Generation Green Revolution Petroleum Terrorists disguised as World Leaders Global Green Revolution Corporate News On TV is a Censored BHO A CALL TO ACTION “We The People” National State of Emergency 2010 THE GULF OIL SPILL All Email : The WhiteHouse : 10,000,000 U.S. Citizens Needed As Paid Volunteers To “Save The Gulf” USA 2010 A CALL TO ACTION Operation “Safe The Gulf” CLEAN UP Architect Ian Mason Founder of The Royal Rose Order USA “Bringers of Justice” The Royal Rose Order USA has issued US Warrants For The Citizens Arrest of BP CEO Tony Howard , Halliburton CEO David Lesar and Trans Ocean CEO Steven Newman. Architect Mason has called on President Barrack Obama to ARREST BP CEO Tony Howard and Halliburton CEO David Lesar and Immediate SEIZURE of BP and Halliburton Corporations Assets To Be Put Into A Environmental Trust “Please Forward This Post” To Family,Friends,and Coworkers Email List of US Corporate Media USA 2010 A CALL TO ACTION Monsanto Puppet Barrack Hussein Obama END OF THE LINE Silent Spring 2010 “Day of The Bee” 011309 All Will Fall Into Light” Architect Mason 2009 Life After Oil 2010 President MASON USA FREE ENERGY 2010 2012 OR Obama’s Holy Oil War 3 1 Trillion US Dollars Given To Halliburton (Dubai) by Bush / Exxon Golden Spiral http The Seed of Life Golden Rule” Obama and Big Pharma Selling Meth To Americans with the help of Mexican President New World Whore Obama and Crystal Meth : Made In Mexico

NWO WANTS AMERICA INVADED.AMERICA FIGHTS BACK.President Mason USA 2010 “The Free States” Columbia Party USA ANTI – NWO New World Order Hope and Change Democrat from Chicago Born in Hawaii Barrack Hussein Obama ” Mission Accomplished 2010 http://the-road– Re : Barry Obama and Red Communist President 2- PIGS Observe “Justice” 2010 Biomimicry Osmosis SEEDS OF CHANGE Green Energy USA 2010 Today WORLD WIDE WEB FREEDOM Mason USA SAVE THE GULF USA 2010 A CALL TO ACTION “Save The Gulf”

  • Location: Obama’s Oil Spill A Crime Against Nature

  • it’s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests





PostingID: 1823156260 Gulf Oil Spill : USA 2010 NATIONAL STATE OF EMERGENCY (Obama’s Oil Spill A Crime Against Nature)

Date: 2010-07-02, 3:28PM PDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?] “SAVE THE GULF” USA 2010 SEIZE BP ARMAGEDDON 2010 Gulf Oil Spill : DAYS AND NIGHTS SEIZE EXXON com REGIME CHANGE 2010 USA GREEN REVOLUTION “RE : Obama Failed To Uphold Sworn Duty To Protect USA .DEATH To The Queen of England. Nuke London. American Freedon Death To Britan RE New World Order : Bilderberg Group WTO UN takeover of The US Federal Government.We The People FIGHT BACK TAKE BACK AMERICA. 4-20-2010 The Gulf Oil Spill : THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING !!! Obama Monsanto Puppet http://the-road– Obama’s SILENT SPRING 2010 SAVE THE GULF 2010 USA A CALL TO ACTION We The People ? RNC / DNC Hanging by A Cherry Tree” Hope and Change (New World Order Foreign Enslavement and Destruction of FREE HUMANTY AND WILD NATURE WE THE PEOPLE 2010 OBAMA FAILED TO PROTECT AMERICA Obama is a NWO Foreign / Corporate New World Order Slave OBAMA RESIGN AND FACE JUSTICE FOR YOUR CRIMES AGAINST NATURE AND HUMANITY USA USA USA GREEN REVOLUTION 06-21-2010 Initiation 2010 ” President Mason” The Avatar 2010 USA USA USA !!! SAVE THE GULF FROM OIL AND END THE GULF OIL WAR !!! SEIZE THE WHITEHOUSE June 21,2010 A New America “The Golden Rule” Columbia Party Washington DC “Masonic Return” Seed of Life : Hemp USA New Generation Green Revolution Petroleum Terrorists disguised as World Leaders Global Green Revolution Corporate News On TV is a Censored BHO A CALL TO ACTION “We The People” National State of Emergency 2010 THE GULF OIL SPILL All Email : The WhiteHouse : 10,000,000 U.S. Citizens Needed As Paid Volunteers To “Save The Gulf” USA 2010 A CALL TO ACTION Operation “Safe The Gulf” CLEAN UP Architect Ian Mason Founder of The Royal Rose Order USA “Bringers of Justice” The Royal Rose Order USA has issued US Warrants For The Citizens Arrest of BP CEO Tony Howard , Halliburton CEO David Lesar and Trans Ocean CEO Steven Newman. Architect Mason has called on President Barrack Obama to ARREST BP CEO Tony Howard and Halliburton CEO David Lesar and Immediate SEIZURE of BP and Halliburton Corporations Assets To Be Put Into A Environmental Trust “Please Forward This Post” To Family,Friends,and Coworkers Email List of US Corporate Media USA 2010 A CALL TO ACTION Monsanto Puppet Barrack Hussein Obama END OF THE LINE Silent Spring 2010 “Day of The Bee” 011309 All Will Fall Into Light” Architect Mason 2009 Life After Oil 2010 President MASON USA FREE ENERGY 2010 2012 OR Obama’s Holy Oil War 3 1 Trillion US Dollars Given To Halliburton (Dubai) by Bush / Exxon Golden Spiral http The Seed of Life “The Golden Rule” Obama and Big Pharma Selling Meth To Americans with the help of Mexican President New World Whore Obama and Crystal Meth : Made In Mexico NWO WANTS AMERICA INVADED.AMERICA FIGHTS BACK.President Mason USA 2010 “The Free States” Columbia Party USA ANTI – NWO New World Order Hope and Change Democrat from Chicago Born in Hawaii Barrack Hussein Obama ” Mission Accomplished 2010 http://the-road– Re : Barry Obama and Red Communist President 2- PIGS Observe “Justice” 2010 Biomimicry Osmosis SEEDS OF CHANGE Green Energy USA 2010 Today WORLD WIDE WEB FREEDOM Mason USA SAVE THE GULF USA 2010 A CALL TO ACTION “Save The Gulf”

·                            Location: Obama’s Oil Spill A Crime Against Nature

·                            it’s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests





PostingID: 1823156260

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College Education for White American Children? All you need is a Goat

Apparently , if you are white and working class in the United States, all you have to do is get a Goat and milk it and kinda like Jack in the Beanstalk, your kids will get scholarships to Ivy league schools! Of course it will help if you put, black, african,tribal and female on your application.

And I thought Cinderella was a tad unrealistic. It pays to be the House Black and have Hilary Clinton on your side.

‘Beatrice’s Goat’ teaches sustainability lesson to public and educators

CLEMSON — It doesn’t always take much to make a difference. For Beatrice Biira, it took a small goat. The Ugandan will take her message of sustainability and hope to teachers, future teachers and even some elementary school children Wednesday and Thursday when she visits Clemson University.

Beatrice Biira reads to second-graders at Central Elementary School. Heiffer International gave a goat to Biira’s impoverished family in a small African village when she was 9 years old and longed for a chance to attend school. The goat provided enough milk for the family and some extra to sell, enabling Biira to attend a local school, which led to a scholarship to a New England prep school and now enrollment at Connecticut College. Her story is told and illustrated in a children’s book called “Beatrice’s Goat.”


Biira’s visit to Clemson is part of the university’s participation in Focus the Nation, a program dedicated to finding global-warming solutions for America. In addition to her visit with educators, Biira will deliver a personal perspective about sustainability issues in Uganda at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Jim Self Auditorium of the Strom Thurmond Institute. That address is open to the public.

Biira will meet with faculty and students from the Eugene T. Moore School of Education for a lecture at 5 p.m. Thursday in the Palmetto Ballroom at Clemson’s University Union. About 100 Clemson seniors in elementary education will take the book to the schools where they are student teaching. The elementary school teachers working with those student teachers also are invited to the event.

One goal is to use the book to teach sustainability principles to elementary students, according to Angela Eckhoff, assistant professor of early childhood education and an organizer of Biira’s visit.

“We’re using this book as a jumping-off point to teach sustainability,” Eckhoff said. “Our goal is to help young learners understand the importance that they play in creating a future with a healthy environment and a strong economy.”

The Clemson visit is the first of its kind for Biira, who has appeared on CBS’ “60 Minutes” and ” The Oprah Winfrey Show.”

“Beatrice’s Goat,” written by Page McBrier and illustrated by Lori Lohstoeter, is widely available in bookstores and online.

my family had a pet mexican goat that ran off sorta crossed the border of our property and was never seen again. I guess that’s why I didn’t get a scholarship to private school, or because I am white.

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Moji Momeni _ Ugly Iranian Immigrant Sentenced in Beaverton for Prostituting Female Tenants: Joshua Jensen Beaverton Cop sentenced for HookerGate

Yes Washington County is a great place to be a slime-dog slum lord or a slime-dog cop. In both cases , males used their power to coerce oral sex etc from Lower class females. Jensen the cop- got 30 months , which was more to punish him for humiliating the Beaverton Police , then the sex act, because he is not a sex offender. By the way, most of the hookers in Beaverton are mexicans or asians -another sign of  the invasion.

Prostitutes say they were afraid to refuse sex acts with Beaverton officer

When Joshua Jensen twice arranged to meet a prostitute in a Beaverton parking lot for sex, neither woman knew he was a cop until he showed up in uniform and ordered them behind a garbage container, investigative reports show.


Both women said they were upset and felt they had to go with the officer.

“When he first took me back behind the Dumpster … my hands were shaking,” one of the victims told The Oregonian Wednesday.

“I was scared – his whole demeanor was very intimidating,” she said. “I really didn’t know what to expect or what would happen.”

In the first incident, Jensen told the woman what she was doing as a prostitute was wrong. Then he asked for oral sex. She asked if she had to, and he said she didn’t. Afterward, he paid her $40.

But with the second woman, Jensen asked her why he shouldn’t arrest her. She replied that she wouldn’t do it anymore.

He said, “Well, if there’s something I want out of it,” then unzipped his pants, reports show.

The woman told investigators and The Oregonian that Jensen then “grabbed me by the back of the head and forced my head down, and I really didn’t have a choice.”

Jensen, 25, pleaded guilty Monday to two counts of prostitution, two counts of official misconduct and one count of coercion, and was sentenced to 30 months in prison. He was not charged with a sex crime and will not have to report as a sex offender when he is released.

Detectives who investigated the case were considering first-degree sodomy and first-degree sexual abuse, both Measure 11 crimes, police reports show. Those charges require evidence of “forcible compulsion,” said prosecutor Roger Hanlon. Based on the evidence, he said, “he didn’t commit those crimes.”

Forcible compulsion requires an expressed or implied physical threat, Hanlon said. Coercion occurred because of his implied threat to arrest the victim if she didn’t perform the sex act, he said.

“He didn’t force them, but he certainly coerced them,” Hanlon said. “He didn’t threaten to kill them or hurt them, but there was this element of coercion.”

One of the women told The Oregonian she was upset with how the case was handled.

“He didn’t get charged with what he should have gotten charged with,” the woman said. “I would have liked to have seen justice be done.”

During the investigation, Washington County Detective Linda Trapp asked the woman to send Jensen text messages about the incident on the detective’s cell phone.

“Ok here’s the deal I’m having a rough time handling all this and I just need to hear you say sorry one time for making me do that,” the victim said in a text message to Jensen.

He replied, “I’m sorry and I hope things work out better for you.”

During Trapp’s interview with Jensen, she referred to the messages and said, “This looks like you forced her.”

Throughout the interview, Jensen admitted meeting the victim on duty but denied any sexual contact.

Jensen’s defense attorney told detectives that Jensen had been contacting local prostitutes off duty since before he was married in May 2009, according to the reports.

Jensen told detectives he spoke with prostitutes by phone and in person to counsel them because “he was trying to help them out.”

Above picture of a  mexican hooker working in Washington County and posting on Erotic Services.

Both victims told detectives they believed Jensen likely had more victims.

And the woman who reported Jensen told The Oregonian that she worries about her safety.

She is a moron- she is  a hooker and men love to abuse hookers.

“This is the God’s honest truth,” she said, “I’m on edge and a little bit scared.”

Posted in Beaverton Police and mexicans, Beaverton slumlord, Mayor Boyle and Diversity and Hookers, ugly immigrants, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

$29,000 for Black Somalian Immigrants in Beaverton Oregon

 Somali Refugees ( otherwise known as State Department Immigrant Trash) get $29,000 in Taxpayers monies. White Native Americans are awarded pennies compared to the precious immigrants.

Why are the Somalia’s here anyway? Because they decimated their own country through tribal warfare and were rewarded by the State Department as Refugees so they could leach off of Americans.


Oregon Somali Family Education Center: provides support services to Somali refugees and immigrants’ as well as young Somali school-aged children and their families in areas of parent education, domestic violence and support, sports and recreation, ESL classes embedded with skill building and health education, and referrals. The program will strive to teach Somali students to assimilate into the new school culture while continuing to preserve their own culture. $25,000

 Note It’s really Important for Beaverton to make sure the Somalians continue to practice Female castration just as long as they learn English so they can fill out their food stamp application.

Above; Parking lot outside Winco in Beaverton- just another day of Diversity in Oregon!
Somali Bantu Citizen Group

(SBCG) – Women’s Sewing Project: this project is planned to be an initial step in the empowerment of Somali Bantu women. By providing sewing machines and training, the community will help women gain skills, become more productive members of their adopted nation, and assist their refugee community become more self-reliant.

Above Somalians riot cause Winco is out of Dead Goat

 The sewing project will benefit not only the women of the Somali Bantu community but also their families and, eventually, the greater Beaverton community. $3,375

What they are really saying is how can we  get them off of perpetual welfare, cause none of the immigrants or illegals want to give up the cash cow

Wow how come American Citizens didn’t get sewing machines so they could empower themselves by making quilts or clothes to wear? Because they aren’t black skinned immigrants from a freaky , violent backwards culture. The Somalians were awarded  $27,000 more then Homeless American Teenagers in Beaverton. Mayor Doyle will do anything for you if you are an illegal alien or a State Department Immigrant.

Read more on Female Castration of Somalian females in England. I wonder how Mayor Doyle the Diversity Dunce will deal with castrated females showing up at OHSU? Probably give them another million in education programs.

The girl is 15 years old but looks much younger. Her face has the fine-boned elegance typical of her native Somalia, but her accent belongs to the streets of East London. She is plainly terrified. That much is clear from the way she avoids eye contact and constantly fidgets in her chair.

“Promise you won’t print my name or anything?” she implores repeatedly. “Promise no one will ever know that I’ve spoken to you? If people in my community find out, they’ll say that I’ve betrayed them and I’ll have to run away. And anyway, I don’t want my parents to be sent to jail.”

With great courage, this British-Somali girl – she asks that we call her “Lali” – is about to describe a barbaric act of ritualised cruelty which has been perpetrated against her. Knowing the danger to which she is exposing herself, her anxiety is entirely understandable.

For by speaking about it, Lali will break the ultimate taboo among Britain’s 600,000 ethnic Africans. In Norway, where this brutal act is also prevalent, a young Somali woman was recently beaten, almost to death, for talking to TV documentary programme-makers.

It is known by a variety of names, the most common of which are female genital mutilation (FGM), female circumcision, or simply “cutting” – a word which somehow conveys the raw pain its prepubescent victims suffer.

Most people will be unfamiliar with this practice, which involves removing part or all of the clitoris, the surrounding labia (the outer part of the vagina) and sometimes the sewing up of the vagina, leaving only a small opening for urine and menstrual blood.

It is carried out for a variety of cultural reasons. Such is the secrecy that surrounds the practice that even those aware that it occurs in large swathes of Africa and Asia will be shocked to learn that it is prevalent in Britain.

During a highly disturbing, four-month investigation, however, we uncovered evidence that thousands of British-African girls, in towns and cities throughout the country, have been forcibly “cut”.

By conservative estimates, 66,000 women and girls living in Britain have been mutilated. This figure, accepted by the Metropolitan Police, came in a report by a volunteer organisation funded by the Department of Health and carried out with academics from the London School of Tropical Hygiene and the City University.

And thousands more girls are at imminent risk as families club together to fly professional “cutters” from Africa to Britain.

These women “elders” perform the crude operation for up to £40 a time, often on kitchen tables or floors, without anaesthetic, using filthy, blunt knives, razor blades or scalpels.

Many readers will be distressed by our report, but this practice is an abomination which has no place anywhere, let alone in a civilised society, and if it is to be expunged then this is a story that must be told.

There is no way of escaping the unpalatable terminology, just as there is no way for girls like Lali to escape the unsterile knife which cuts them as they are held down and which will result in a lifetime of physical and psychological pain.

Some people say the practice is to increase the sexual pleasure of the man, but this is only one appallingly outdated reason why many womenfolk from 28 African and some Middle Eastern countries, most of which have sizeable representation in Britain, are treated like this.

It is also done to demonstrate their virginity on their wedding night; and because “uncut” girls with the ability to enjoy love-making are considered more likely to be promiscuous, unhygienic, and prone to diseases such as Aids.

Attempts are also made to justify this iniquitous practice on religious grounds. Some hard-line Muslims insist that women must undergo genital cutting to remain faithful to the purest teachings of Islam – although, in truth, it is not even mentioned in the Koran, and only ambiguously in the Hadith (a collection of oral traditions about the life of the prophet Mohammed).

Several leadings Imams have openly condemned the practice. This, though, does not deter its proponents, who maintain that it is their inalienable right to live according to their traditional beliefs and customs, rather than conform to British values. Indeed, some argue that the freedom to carry out FGM is a fundamental principle of our multi-cultural society.

Whatever the arguments, the fact is that genital mutilation is a reality, and the Metropolitan police is so concerned that it recently set up a special unit to investigate and prosecute the perpetrators. Heading the unit is Detective Inspector Carol Hamilton, herself a mother, who was horrified when she discovered what was happening to other people’s daughters.

The Met team also educates regional police forces about FGM, and speaks to mosques, community groups and local authorities.

Usually their visits are well-received, but we found that at least one London council declined to publish material highlighting the suffering and danger the practice causes – for fear of offending ethnic African residents.

This kind of attitude incenses Detective Inspector Hamilton. “We are all becoming very culturally sensitive,” she says. “People are a bit frightened of saying ‘You can’t do this here’ because people shoot back with ‘But it’s our culture’.

“But it’s not: this is just plain cruel. I won’t be put off by the politically correct argument. We have to be seen to be strong on this. I don’t care about human rights – I care about the rights of the child. Everything else has to go out of the window.

“We have one rule in child protection: the child is of paramount importance. I stick by that firmly.”

Together with the Waris Dirie Foundation, an international campaign group formed by the Somali-born supermodel who suffered genital mutilation as a five-year-old child, the Met announced a £20,000 reward last July for information leading to the conviction of anyone who performs or abets cutting.

Under the 2003 Female Genital Mutilation Act, those involved could be jailed for 14 years. Yet the fact that no one has been prosecuted says much about the problems the police are facing.

“There are thousands of girls being cut in your country,” says Waris Dirie spokesman Walter Hutschinger. “We are sure it’s going on, and on a very big scale. Your law is one of the most comprehensive in the world, but it is useless if nobody will help to implement it.

“We have been contacted by girls from all parts of Britain – London, Cardiff, Sheffield, Birmingham, Liverpool, Reading, Slough, Milton Keynes, Crawley – anywhere there are big African communities.

“Many of these girls know they are about to be cut and are desperate for help, but they are even more afraid of what might happen to them if they come out in the open.

“One young woman wrote recently to tell us that she was about to be taken home to Somalia to be cut, and she was terrified because her older sister had died after cutting. [To avoid detection, the mutilation is often done in a girl’s native country.]

“She was thinking of running away – but she didn’t know where she could go or what she would do. The girl says genital mutilation has destroyed her family. We wrote back offering a meeting, but she has not been back in touch.’

During our investigation, we found similar difficulty finding girls willing publicly to condemn a practice whose “virtues” are impressed upon them from infancy so that they are effectively brainwashed into believing it to be an essential step towards womanhood.

Lali is so determined that other girls should be spared the misery she has endured since the cutter came to call four years ago that, last week, she bravely told us her story.

She was three years old when her family left impoverished, war-ravaged Somalia and settled in the East End of London, where her early childhood life seemed immeasurably better.

Everything changed for Lali when she was 11 years old. One morning, her mother told her, quite casually, that they were to visit another Somali girl, whom she liked.

“I thought I was just going to play with my friend, so I was happy,” Lali says quietly, avoiding eye contact.

Soon after she arrived at the friend’s anonymous council house, however, cold reality dawned. In fact, Lali’s mother had secretly joined together with several other women to pay for a “cutter” to travel to London from Mogadishu to circumcise their daughters.

“They believed it had to be done, otherwise we would never get a husband,’ Lali shrugs.

What happened next was like a scene from medieval times. Her mother, other female relatives and family friends suddenly grabbed Lali and grappled her to the floor. Then, on cue, the strange woman came in, like a torturer with her bag of implements.

“They held me down, and when the woman began cutting I screamed, so my friend’s sister put her hand tightly over my mouth,” she says. “I had known her and these other women all my life, and now they were doing … this.”

The cutting often results in life-threatening complications such as septicaemia, haemorrhaging or cysts, but in this respect Lali was fortunate. Outwardly, at least, she quickly recovered and returned to school, too frightened and ashamed to tell her teachers and friends about her ordeal.

However, the legacy of the atrocity inflicted on her when she was 11 years old will always remain. When a marriage is arranged for her, sex will be a painful duty to be endured.

If she is lucky enough to avoid the pre-natal complications frequently caused by genital mutilation and have children, she will almost certainly have to undergo a Caesarean section.

“It is the most traumatic rite of passage,” says Comfort Mohmoh, a doctor who runs a Well Woman Clinic at London’s St Thomas’ Hospital and has performed a number of successful operations to reverse genital mutilation – a procedure possible only in less severe cases. She sees from 400 to 500 cases a year.

“These women get abdominal pains, backache, extremely painful periods, recurring urinary infections and, inevitably, a great deal of pain during intercourse.”

Lali is already encountering some of these physical problems, yet in some ways the emotional and psychological damage is even worse.

“What happened to me has totally broken my trust in the women I loved,” she told us. “I didn’t believe my mother could let this happen. My love for her has changed.

“It hurt so much. I would never let my children suffer this. I don’t believe this is right. It’s a stupid, old-fashioned custom. Why can’t we forget it?”

This alienation between mothers and daughters, of course, is another subtle way in which the practice subjects African women to male authority. Among the many otherwise educated and reasonable British-African men we spoke to, however, few were willing to call a halt.

With breathtaking sadism, their attitude was summed up by one man during an internet chat forum for Somalis living in Britain. “They should get their kintirs [Somalian for clitoris] cut off if they can’t control their passions,” was his message to liberated female compatriots.

One lone voice was Asif, a 26-year-old Somali mechanic who came to London at 15 – though his reasoning was hardly reassuring.

“We call these girls ‘table-tops’ because they are like wood,” he told us. Rapping his fist on the table, he added: “Who wants to make love to this? I would never allow this to happen to my daughters.”

As Detective Inspector Hamilton has discovered, however, he is very much in the minority. “I met one group of Somalis and got the message that cutting was even stronger here than in Somalia,” she says. “Here, it seems, they feel the need to keep their traditions going.

“But detection is very difficult. If somebody rings and tells us a girl has been subjected to it, how do you check that? Especially when the family seem quite reasonable and say they don’t believe in it, but refuse permission for the children to be medically examined.”

Perhaps we should take a lead from France, whose methods of prevention have been strengthened following a landmark case in 1999, when a woman of West African origins was jailed for eight years for cutting 48 young children.

Now all French children of African background are closely scrutinised by social workers and doctors during infancy, and any abnormal behaviour or prolonged absence from school is immediately investigated.

It is also considered a duty of French doctors to examine any ethnic African girls they suspect have been mutilated and, waiving usual patient confidentiality rules, report their parents to the police if their suspicions are confirmed.

In this age of political correctness, no doubt, factions in Britain will argue that such interventionist activity is discriminatory and a breach of human rights. There will also be those who believe female genital mutilation to be an issue for the African community to resolve, arguing that our overstretched police and health professionals have more pressing matters to address.

Detective Inspector Hamilton was persuaded otherwise when she sat through a graphic video showing a cutter at work. With its haunting screams and bloodied instruments, this real-life horror film changed her life.

“These little girls shouldn’t have to live in that other world,” she says. “They go to school here. Their homes and friends are here. They are our little girls. They are British. What is happening to them is barbaric – and it must be stopped.”

Read more:

Posted in female castration in Beaverton oregon, Somalia pirates, somalian state department trash in Oregon, Somalian trash, somalians destroy Maine, State Department, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Beaverton Mayor Denny Doyle shafts Legal Poor Americans:Gives bulk of $383,127 to Mexicans and Somalian Illegal Immigrant Trash: Hidden cost of the Invasion

 Organizations That Provide Food and Shelter for the Needy Mexicans and other “immigrant trash” Top the List. Most of the money awarded in Beaverton Most Diverse city goes to illegals and other immigrant trash. –

 Somali Refugees ( otherwise known as State Department Immigrant Trash) get $29,000 in Taxpayers monies. White Native Americans are awarded pennies compared to the precious immigrants. Why are the Somalia’s here anyway? Because they engaged in so much tribal warfare they destroyed their country completely and so the United States took them in dumping them on  American communities  all over the US.

Oregon Somali Family Education Center: provides support services to Somali refugees and immigrants’ as well as young Somali school-aged children and their families in areas of parent education, domestic violence and support, sports and recreation, ESL classes embedded with skill building and health education, and referrals. The program will strive to teach Somali students to assimilate into the new school culture while continuing to preserve their own culture. $25,000
Somali Bantu Citizen Group (SBCG) – Women’s Sewing Project: this project is planned to be an initial step in the empowerment of Somali Bantu women. By providing sewing machines and training, the community will help women gain skills, become more productive members of their adopted nation, and assist their refugee community become more self-reliant. The sewing project will benefit not only the women of the Somali Bantu community but also their families and, eventually, the greater Beaverton community. $3,375Store to Door: provides shopping and delivery of groceries to seniors and people with disabilities who are not mobile enough to shop for groceries, toiletries, household items and prescriptions on their own. $5,000

Sunshine Pantry: provides food, clothing, sundries and household items to low-income, disabled, unemployed and in-need persons. $25,000 Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center – Mental/Behavioral Health Services Program: program supports Virginia Garcia’s recent integration of mental/behavioral healthcare within its primary care clinic in Beaverton. This one year old program is made possible because of a unique partnership with Lifeworks NW to address a significant need for access to mental/behavioral health services for some of Beaverton’s most vulnerable residents especially immigrants, people whose first language is not English and people living in poverty. $25,619   

The City of Beaverton has awarded a total of $383,127 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and state revenue sharing funds to local social service organizations to support their efforts to care for those in need in the community through the Social Services Funding program.  

This year the City’s Budget Committee approved an additional, one-time $100,000 allocation to the grant fund. This increased allocation was in response to the continued economic downturn. Mayor Denny Doyle, City Councilors and Budget Committee members recognized the community need for additional funding for social service program to assist those who have been hit the hardest within the community due to job loss.  


Beaverton Literacy Council: 4,500  to teach illegal mexicans and asians etc to speak English 

 provides volunteer tutors to teach English as a second language classes and prepare students for naturalization process and citizenship examination. Students are economically disadvantaged immigrant members of the community. Beaverton Literacy Council is a 100 percent volunteer-based organization. $4,500

Beaverton Loaves and Fishes: provides hot, nutritious meals to seniors in Beaverton at the Elsie Stuhr Center and through the Meals-On-Wheels program. $8,000

Beaverton Rotary Foundation –$6,000 for the anchor babies of illegal aliens for dental work

 Dental Check Program: provides dental treatment for children identified by volunteer dentists during Rotary Dental Check Day to be conducted at one Beaverton Elementary School in September 2010 and children from three other Beaverton schools that were screened in previous years. All children who receive dental treatment will be from low-income families that could not otherwise obtain the needed treatments. Dental care is provided through the OHSU Dental School Pediatrics Clinic. There are no administrative expenses charged to this program. $6,000

Big Brothers Big Sisters$10,000 for minority poor mexican anchor babies

Beaverton School District Mentoring Initiative: provide school-based mentoring program in the Beaverton School District to low-income youth. The program provides 12 months of professionally supported, one-to-one mentoring services to at-risk students in first through fifth grades attending Aloha-Huber, Barnes and Kinnaman Elementary School.

These schools were specifically targeted due to high poverty/minority populations. $10,000




Boys and Girls Aid Society – Safe Place Shelter: provides services to runaway, homeless, and at-risk Beaverton youth at the Safe Place Shelter in Hillsboro. Provides short-term shelter, supportive services, and a critical link to community resources that assists youth in finding safe housing and increasing their stability. $25,000 Care to Share: $20,000 for illegal aliens and anchor babies to get food, shelter and electric bills
provides in-take, referral and coordination services of food box distribution to individuals requesting appointments at local food pantries. Care to Share also provides utility bill payment services to clients facing shut-offs. Care to Share will pledge available funding to client’s utility account to prevent loss of water, electric, gas, wood, oil or garbage services. $20,000  

Community Action Organization – Energy and Emergency Rent Program: provides emergency assistance to low-income Beaverton households in crisis. Clients who are at-risk of being evicted because they cannot pay their rent will be assessed for a one-time emergency assistance payment. Assistance payments average $450 and are paid directly to landlords. Community Action will negotiate with landlords on the client’s behalf for reduction/forgiveness of fees or back rent which may have accrued. Families will also be screened for and referred to other services which can help them maintain their housing including long-term rent assistance, energy assistance, energy conservation workshops and tenant education classes. This program acts as a safety net to ensure that families in crisis do not lose the level of self-sufficiency that they have worked to attain. $40,000  

Community Alliance of Tenants –which sold out to illegals aliens from the beginning, not realizing there is only so much housing and illegal aliens and their babies take scarce space Renter Stability Education Program: works with low-income tenants to increase housing stability and safety through renter education services, support to tenants with chronic repair problems, Renter’s Rights Hotline and community workshops. $9,000   

Community Partners for Affordable Housing, Inc.$30,000 to illegal aliens and thier anchors because they get housing created for Americans 

Valley Housing Partners. $30,000Tualatin Manor – that were previously owned and operated by Fircrest Station, and Merlo services to low-income residents residing in three affordable housing complexes in Beaverton – Spencer House, onsite): provides CPAH ( 

Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) for Children: recruits, trains, and supervises community volunteers to advocate for children who have found their way into the juvenile court system. These cases are children who have been neglected, abused and removed from their homes. $10,000

Domestic Violence Resource Center – Monika’s House: provides a safe and confidential shelter for domestic violence survivors in imminent physical danger. The shelter provides accommodation and services that empower residents for self sufficiency. This is the only domestic violence shelter for women in Washington County. $14,000  Ecumenical Ministries –Homeless non mexican kids only get $2,000  Partnership with Beaverton Schools for Homeless Unaccompanied Youth: Shared Housing and the Beaverton School District’s Homeless Liaisons will work together to identify homeless unaccompanied youth, find families who are interested in renting a room to a youth, screen the youth and families, match them, help them to create house rules and expectations and mediate disputes that arise. Program will allow homeless youth trying to stay in school a safe place to sleep each night. $2,000  

Essential Health Clinic – $10,000 for Mexicans and their anchor babies and they provide interperters which means its for the low income immigrants who are so hardworking. 
Project Access Washington County (PAWC): provides a free health clinic for uninsured, low-income residents of Washington County. The focus of the clinics is to identify and treat urgent medical problems including asthma, allergies, ear and respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, flu and minor injuries. There are three clinics per week on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. These clinics operate with volunteer providers, nurses and interpreters. $10,000  

Good Neighbor Center: the only homeless shelter in East Washington County. The shelter operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and provides housing, meals, clothing, and case management. $11,000   

LifeWorks Northwest – Health Start: provides support services for at-risk first time parents, preventing possible child abuse and neglect and increasing the child’s readiness to enter school. $20,000  

Open Door Counseling – Housing Support Services Program: provide services to very low, low- and moderate-income Beaverton residents who are at-risk of being homeless. These services include: no-cost homeless housing support services, no-cost pre-purchasing first-time homebuyer education, and no-cost loss mitigating counseling for those who are facing mortgage foreclosure. $8,500   

Oregon Somali Family Education Center: provides support services to Somali refugees and immigrants’ as well as young Somali school-aged children and their families in areas of parent education, domestic violence and support, sports and recreation, ESL classes embedded with skill building and health education, and referrals. The program will strive to teach Somali students to assimilate into the new school culture while continuing to preserve their own culture. $25,000   

Rebuilding Together: provides free home repair and rehabilitation services to low-income, disabled and elderly homeowners in Beaverton. $5,000   

St. Matthew Emergency Food Program: provides 5-7 days of nutritional food and basic household products to low-income residents of Beaverton in need and referred by Care to Share. Food pantry has been in operation since 1974. $11,520  

Sexual Assault Resource Center (SARC): provides free and confidential services to survivors of sexual assault which include support, counseling, and advocacy. SARC is one of Oregon’s two stand-alone Rape Crisis Centers which has been in operation since 1977. $8,038  


their refugee community become more self-reliant. The sewing project will benefit not only the women of the Somali Bantu community but also their families and, eventually, the greater Beaverton community. $3,375assist Somali Bantu women. By providing sewing machines and training, the community will help women gain skills, become more productive members of their adopted nation, and in the empowerment of step initial an to be is planned) – Women’s Sewing Project: this project SBCGSomali Bantu Citizen Group ( 


Store to Door: provides shopping and delivery of groceries to seniors and people with disabilities who are not mobile enough to shop for groceries, toiletries, household items and prescriptions on their own. $5,000 


Sunshine Pantry: provides food, clothing, sundries and household items to low-income, disabled, unemployed and in-need persons. $25,000  

Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center – Mental/Behavioral Health Services Program: program supports Virginia Garcia’s recent integration of mental/behavioral healthcare within its primary care clinic in Beaverton. This one year old program is made possible because of a unique partnership with Lifeworks NW to address a significant need for access to mental/behavioral health services for some of Beaverton’s most vulnerable residents especially immigrants, people whose first language is not English and people living in poverty. $25,619   

Washington County Bicycle Transportation Coalition (BTC) – Smart Cycling Transportation Trailer Project: Grants funds will be used to purchase a secure, enclosed cargo trailer. The trailer will be used to store the fleet of 25 bikes used by the instructors of the Washington County BTC to facilitate transporting them to the schools throughout Beaverton and Washington County as they present the Smart Cycling for Kids “Bicycle Skills 123” clinics. $1,000  

Westside Service Center: provides a clean, safe and sober environment where individuals struggling to free themselves from the addiction of drugs and alcohol can find support in their efforts. Westside Service Center provides support of the 12-step recovery program. $17,575  

Youth Contact: provides culturally and linguistically appropriate programs. Outpatient Behavioral Health Services: action-oriented, evidence based, and practical outpatient mental health and chemical dependency treatment for children, youth and their families. School-Based Juvenile Crime Prevention: addresses the needs of at-risk youth in order to reduce delinquency and school failure, alcohol and drug use, and other behavioral programs that often accompany it. Strong working relationship with the Beaverton School District allows Youth Contact staff to be placed directly into schools. Hillsboro Family Resource Center: provides basic needs assistance and information and referral services; emergency food boxes, clothing closet, personal hygiene products, parenting classes, dental van, diapers and children’s clothing. $28,000

Beaverton has been recognized as the safest city in the Pacific Northwest for three consecutive years, as one of the best places to raise kids by BusinessWeek magazine, a Top 100 Best Places to Live in America by Money Magazine, an All-America City finalist, one of the 100 Best Walking Cities in America by Prevention Magazine, retains a Bronze Award Bicycle Friendly community designation by the League of American Bicyclists and is one of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Green Power Communities. Beaverton also enjoys the most diverse population (by percentage of population) among Oregon cities.  

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Posted in I hate beaverton and diversity, Somalia pirates, somalian state department trash in Oregon, Somalian trash, somalians destroy Maine | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment